Branches for Wheezy

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://qastaging/debian/wheezy/atop 1 Development 2012-05-22 18:50:19 UTC
8. * fix typo in bug number in changelog...

Author: Marc Haber
Revision Date: 2012-05-22 18:50:19 UTC

* fix typo in bug number in changelog. Sorry, sur5r
* add patch to handle vd* disks as well (Closes: 640527)
* remove set -e from init script, /etc/init.d/skeleton doesn't have it
* Depend on lsb-base (>= 3.2-14) as we use log_* functions
* streamlinie init script with current skeleton, add default file.
  Thanks to Vincent Lefevre (Closes: 675443)
* add DEP-3 headers to patches
* Roll back Debian patches breaking a feature:
  * Now, only use mkstemp to create temp file
  * Roll back Debian change: use upstream cronjob to rotate logs
    (Closes: 611616)
* merge daily cron job and init script, debianize process
* use a wrapper to obtain correct redirection
* add cron to Recommends
* remove atop binary in clean target

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