Launchpad does not know where Firefox Themes for Ubuntu hosts its code.

Bazaar branches

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://qastaging/~cjwatson/firefox-themes-ubuntu/bug76871 bug 1 Development 2006-12-24 16:05:45 UTC
27. releasing version

Author: Colin Watson
Revision Date: 2006-12-24 16:20:53 UTC

releasing version

lp://qastaging/~ubuntu-art-pkg/firefox-themes-ubuntu/ubuntu 1 Development 2005-12-31 23:55:04 UTC
29. * Fixed #127200 again, in a different...

Author: Daniel Holbach
Revision Date: 2007-11-16 14:53:06 UTC

* Fixed #127200 again, in a different way, because the changes were not in
  bzr yet. Also reviewed some changes which never made it to bzr for whatever
* debian/control:
  - changed Build-Depends from Tangerine + gnome* + Human to Human +
    Tangerine + GNOME to reflect changes in distro.
  - added *XS-VCS-Bzr* header.
* docs/todo.txt, pkg/, pkg/control.template,
  src/createdownloads.php, src/createshared.php, src/createtheme.php,
  src/custom/tango/browsercontents.rdf, src/custom/tango/contents.rdf,
  src/custom/tango/install.rdf, src/filesystemfunctions.php,
  src/initialize.php, src/patchcolors.php, src/custom/tango: replace
  occurences of 'Tango' with 'gnome'.
* src/initialize.php: instead of copying /usr/share/firefox/chrome/classic
  around, extract /usr/share/firefox/chrome/classic.jar, fixes FTBFS.
* src/createextensions.php: workaround renamed icons: system-installer ->
* Handle theme sources as either a jar or a directory; adds a
  build-dependency on "unzip", since fastjar has annoying semantics
  for jar extraction. LP: #127200.

lp://qastaging/~ubuntu-art-pkg/firefox-themes-ubuntu/upstream 1 Development 2005-12-31 23:55:03 UTC
1. Initial import of existing sources.

Author: Frank Schoep
Revision Date: 2006-08-23 12:35:24 UTC

Initial import of existing sources.

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