You can browse the source code for the development focus branch or get a copy of the branch using the command:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/scope-aggregator

See all merge proposals.

scope-aggregator has 7 active branches owned by 2 people and 1 team. There were 0 commits in the last month.

Bazaar branches

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
Series: trunk
bug 1 Development 2016-11-10 19:01:51 UTC
175. merge branch that implements "feature...

Author: Kyle Nitzsche
Revision Date: 2016-11-10 19:01:51 UTC

merge branch that implements "featured" feature and release as 4.14

See for docs

lp://qastaging/~gary-wzl77/scope-aggregator/fix_1609230 (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2016-08-03 05:28:02 UTC
172. Enable hints display when using child...

Author: Gary.Wang
Revision Date: 2016-08-03 05:22:58 UTC

Enable hints display when using child hints scope.

lp://qastaging/~gary-wzl77/scope-aggregator/std 1 Development 2016-04-29 11:30:46 UTC
164. ditch Qt and in favor of "std" way in...

Author: Gary.Wang
Revision Date: 2016-04-29 11:27:53 UTC

ditch Qt and in favor of "std" way in scope aggressor.

1. no longer std::string <--> QString conversion before we deal with unity scope API.
2. using jsoncpp for json file parsing, instead of QJson* API
3. invalid pointer for category
4. duplicate allocate
5. pass by reference instead of by value if it's a const instance.

lp://qastaging/~gary-wzl77/scope-aggregator/force_display_results bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2015-08-06 07:15:32 UTC
146. Display the scope's restuls on search...

Author: Gary.Wang
Revision Date: 2015-08-06 06:37:06 UTC

Display the scope's restuls on search
no matter if the scope is enabled or disabled in settings page.

lp://qastaging/~scope-aggregator/scope-aggregator/vivid-trunk-setaside bug 1 Development 2015-08-03 14:47:42 UTC
142. Merge from trunk

Author: Gary.Wang
Revision Date: 2015-08-03 03:42:31 UTC

Merge from trunk

lp://qastaging/~scope-aggregator/scope-aggregator/trunk-utopic 1 Development 2015-06-17 19:10:50 UTC
57. do not show hints when either firstbo...

Author: Kyle Nitzsche
Revision Date: 2015-04-03 19:20:44 UTC

do not show hints when either firstboot or hints_is_hidden files exist inn cache dir. write hints_is_hidden when user dismisses hints

lp://qastaging/~vtuson/scope-aggregator/film 1 Development 2015-03-24 18:40:17 UTC
42. remove location data as a requirement

Author: Victor Tuson Palau
Revision Date: 2015-03-24 17:35:16 UTC

remove location data as a requirement

17 of 7 results
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