Branches for Hardy

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://qastaging/ubuntu/hardy/pulseaudio 2 Mature 2010-01-13 06:08:24 UTC
24. [ Daniel T Chen ] * Merge from Debian...

Author: Luke Yelavich
Revision Date: 2008-04-07 10:40:01 UTC

[ Daniel T Chen ]
* Merge from Debian unstable:
* Patches
  + 0050-Reduce-RT-highprio-log-to-info:
  + 0051-Reduce-pa_pid_file_create-Daemon-already-running-log-spam:
    Retain to prevent innocuous messages from spamming user log;
  - 0052-Add-extra-checks-to-padsp-debug-calls:
  - 0053-Handle-channel-map-failure:
  - 0054-Invoke-pa_ltdl_done-conditionally:
  - 0055-fix_record_stream_moved: Merged in new upstream version.
* Packaging
  + control: Adhere to DebianMaintainerField spec, and add a
    Vcs-Bzr entry;
  + control:
  + pulseaudio-module-jack.install: Don't generate or install the
    jackd module;
  + pulseaudio.init:
  + rules: Use multiuser semantics.

[ Luke Yelavich ]
* FFe granted. (LP: #211592)

lp://qastaging/ubuntu/hardy-security/pulseaudio 2 Mature 2010-01-13 06:08:39 UTC
25. * SECURITY UPDATE: root escalation fr...

Author: Kees Cook
Revision Date: 2009-07-13 16:17:08 UTC

* SECURITY UPDATE: root escalation from BIND_NOW re-execution.
  - 0040-do-not-exec-for-bindnow.patch: use -Wl,-z,now instead of
    performing a racey re-exec.
  - CVE-2009-1894

lp://qastaging/ubuntu/hardy-updates/pulseaudio 2 Mature 2010-01-13 06:08:48 UTC
25. * SECURITY UPDATE: root escalation fr...

Author: Kees Cook
Revision Date: 2009-07-13 16:17:08 UTC

* SECURITY UPDATE: root escalation from BIND_NOW re-execution.
  - 0040-do-not-exec-for-bindnow.patch: use -Wl,-z,now instead of
    performing a racey re-exec.
  - CVE-2009-1894

13 of 3 results