Merge lp://qastaging/~1chb1n/charms/trusty/neutron-gateway/next.1601-test-update1 into lp://qastaging/~openstack-charmers-archive/charms/trusty/neutron-gateway/next

Proposed by Ryan Beisner
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 160
Proposed branch: lp://qastaging/~1chb1n/charms/trusty/neutron-gateway/next.1601-test-update1
Merge into: lp://qastaging/~openstack-charmers-archive/charms/trusty/neutron-gateway/next
Diff against target: 242 lines (+119/-56)
6 files modified
Makefile (+1/-0)
tests/019-basic-trusty-mitaka (+11/-0)
tests/019-basic-vivid-kilo (+0/-9)
tests/021-basic-xenial-mitaka (+9/-0)
tests/README (+96/-46)
tests/tests.yaml (+2/-1)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://qastaging/~1chb1n/charms/trusty/neutron-gateway/next.1601-test-update1
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Liam Young (community) Approve
Review via email:

Description of the change

Cosmetic updates to tests/dir and Makefile to standardize *os-charms, prep for 16.01. No changes to test code, hooks or charmhelpers.

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Revision history for this message
uosci-testing-bot (uosci-testing-bot) wrote :

charm_lint_check #16873 neutron-gateway-next for 1chb1n mp282075
    LINT OK: passed


Revision history for this message
uosci-testing-bot (uosci-testing-bot) wrote :

charm_unit_test #15756 neutron-gateway-next for 1chb1n mp282075
    UNIT OK: passed


159. By Ryan Beisner

remove amulet tests for unsupported releases

160. By Ryan Beisner

Move 00-setup to prevent extra, unnecessary bootstrap in test runs.

161. By Ryan Beisner

Re-number amulet test file names; add missing combos as not-executable for now.

162. By Ryan Beisner

Update tests/README

163. By Ryan Beisner

Update bundletester testplan yaml file

Revision history for this message
uosci-testing-bot (uosci-testing-bot) wrote :

charm_lint_check #16887 neutron-gateway-next for 1chb1n mp282075
    LINT OK: passed


Revision history for this message
uosci-testing-bot (uosci-testing-bot) wrote :

charm_unit_test #15781 neutron-gateway-next for 1chb1n mp282075
    UNIT OK: passed


Revision history for this message
Liam Young (gnuoy) wrote :


review: Approve

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