
Created by Adam Stokes and last modified
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Adam Stokes

Recent revisions

36. By Adam Stokes

* Add breaks for libgnomevfs2-common << 2.24.4
* In addition to breaking on earlier versions we
  force libgnomevfs2-common to be reinstalled
  this ensures all library locations are properly created and files
  exist in their architecture specific installation.
* Update build deps version to receive the full support of multi-arch

35. By Adam Stokes

Add breaks in package control

34. By Adam Stokes

Force libgnomevfs2-common to be reinstalled

33. By Adam Stokes

Rebuilt with multi-arch support (LP: #977940)

32. By Martin Pitt

debian/control.in: Drop libgamin-dev build dependency and FAM support.

31. By Sebastien Bacher

* Resynchronize on Debian
* debian/control.in: don't Depends on gnome-mime-data so it's not installed
  on the CD, nothing is using gnome-vfs for mimetypes it's mainly there
  because other deprecated libs still used by some softwares depends on it

30. By Chris Coulson

* Also handle the "%U" placeholder to really fix LP: #739416
  - update debian/patches/31_gio_uri_placeholder.patch
* Fix LP: #732792 - Firefox in guest session claims that it's not my
  default browser. Ensure we set Firefox as the default in gnomevfs too
  - update debian/libgnomevfs2-common.gconf-defaults

29. By Chris Coulson

* Fix LP: #739416 - Preferred Applications uses %u instead of %s when
  setting browser. Our new gnome-default-application-properties sets
  the URI handlers in gconf using the Exec line from the applications
  desktop file rather than the old xml files that used to ship with
  gnome-control-center. The Exec info from the desktop file uses "%u"
  as a URI placeholder, rather than "%s" which is what gnomevfs understands.
  Make gnomevfs understand "%u" too so we don't break applications that still
  rely on it.
  - add debian/patches/31_gio_uri_placeholder.patch
  - update debian/patches/series
  - This also works around LP: #709216 for now

28. By Matthias Klose

Fix FTBFS with gold.

27. By Robert Ancell

* New upstream release
* debian/control:
  - Drop build-depends on quit
  - Build-depend on dh-autoreconf, gnome-common
  - Use standards-version 3.9.1
* debian/rules:
  - Drop patchsys-quilt.mk
  - Use autoreconf.mk
* debian/source:
  - Use source format 3.0
* debian/patches/90_relibtoolize.patch:
  - Dropped, now use dh-autoreconf

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