
Created by Adam Reichold and last modified
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Branch information

Adam Reichold

Recent revisions

2162. By Adam Reichold

Explicitly set name of desktop file as it does not match the generated application ID.

2161. By Adam Reichold

Remove accidentally committed debug output.

2160. By Adam Reichold

Avoid naming collision with Windows headers.

2159. By Adam Reichold

Explicitly call ASCII-variants of PathFind* functions in vendorered SyncTeX parser.

2158. By Adam Reichold

Make sure to always initialize variables to avoid compiler warnings.

2157. By Adam Reichold

Remove Windows-style usage options as they do not work with how the argument parser is structured.

2156. By Adam Reichold

Also accept --help on Windows as it is mentioned in the usage.

2155. By Adam Reichold

Poppler requires C++17 now, hence request it for this particular plug-in.

2154. By Adam Reichold

Use message boxes to output diagnostic messages on Windows as we are not built as a console application.

2153. By Adam Reichold

Commit djcj's pkg-config fix for easier cross building.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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