Merge lp://qastaging/~akretion-team/project-service/add-project-action-item into lp://qastaging/~project-core-editors/project-service/trunk

Proposed by Alexis de Lattre
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://qastaging/~akretion-team/project-service/add-project-action-item
Merge into: lp://qastaging/~project-core-editors/project-service/trunk
Diff against target: 1296 lines (+1230/-0)
11 files modified
project_action_item/ (+24/-0)
project_action_item/ (+54/-0)
project_action_item/i18n/fr.po (+277/-0)
project_action_item/i18n/project_action_item.pot (+277/-0)
project_action_item/ (+179/-0)
project_action_item/project_demo.xml (+64/-0)
project_action_item/project_view.xml (+151/-0)
project_action_item/security/ir.model.access.csv (+2/-0)
project_action_item/wizard/ (+23/-0)
project_action_item/wizard/ (+137/-0)
project_action_item/wizard/update_action_generate_timesheet_view.xml (+42/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://qastaging/~akretion-team/project-service/add-project-action-item
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Lorenzo Battistini (community) Abstain
Raphaël Valyi - Approve
Daniel Reis Needs Fixing
Review via email:

Description of the change

This merge proposal adds the module "project_action_item".

Extract from the module description :

This module adds action items on project tasks. When a user has completed the action item of a task, he can click on a button "Done with Timesheet" that starts a wizard ; this wizard will mark the action item as done and will create a timesheet line.

The idea behind this module is the following : on a task, we have the timesheet lines that give you the history of the actions made for that task... but we don't have anything to store the actions that must be carried out for that action (apart from the text field "description"). So, with this module : on a task, the timesheet lines (object hr.analytic.timesheet) still store the "past" actions carried out ; the action items (new object project.action.item) in "todo" state store the future actions that must be carried out. And we have a wizard to set an action item from todo to done and generate the corresponding timesheet line.

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Revision history for this message
Daniel Reis (dreis-pt) wrote :

Very nice feature Alexis.

I tried it out, and I have some comments:

* I would be nice to inform where the lp branch "hr_timesheet_task" can be found, at least until rules the world.
* The "Done with timesheet" is not a real button. It took me some time to realize it's test was clickable.
* IMO "Done with timesheet" is a confusing label. I would prefer "Log on Timesheet" or the even simpler "Done".
* Actions should heave a sequence field, and be manually reordered in the Task Actions tab.
* If you have the "Manage time estimation on tasks" feature activated, the Task's estimated time should be computed as the total Actions estimated time (in the demo data, the Tasks estimated time is 22h and the Action estimated time is 70h).
* When an Action is Done, you can't see the actual time spent.
* At the time you are creating the Action list, you should be able to set if you expect it to be billable (or expected Invoicing Ratio).
* You can't log time on an Action without completing it. The demo action "Develop final version" is 42h long, will surely span more than a week, and you will surely won't be able to wait until it's completed to log the time spent.
I suggest the wizard to let you log time on timesheet for an action, but keep it as not done / in progress.

Just some food for thought; it may be a bad idea, but:
What if instead of "Actions" we had "Child Tasks"? If that implementation strategy doesn't bring a lot of difficulties, It would open up a lot of interesting use cases ...

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Raphaël Valyi - (rvalyi) wrote :

Hello Daniel,

I just want t mention that yesterday I talked with Alexis and I spontaneously made exactly the same remark as you with the concept of children tasks instead of that new actions object.

There are several modules trying to fix the need for a standard Workbench Breakdown Structure (WBS from PMI) in OpenERP.

Ferdinand Gassauer at C2C2 maintained a parent-child task hierarchy module for years (not remembering the link though) and there is also this project_scope_wbs PMI WBS module from Efficient now that would eventually be interesting to bring into OCA:

On our side at Akretion we will also soon push an other module called project_feature that also aim at managing different granularity scales for projects, this time bridging operational tasks with the customer metric expressed with a new object called project.feature.

So there is definitely effort in that direction and we should avoid "leaky abstraction". That is as you said, if with minimum effort would could make it work with a hierarchy instead of introducing that action object, that would be cool.

If that is not possible, we should try to make it at least compatible with the modules trying to bring WBS hierarchy.

All in all, this module seems great, but we should double check if we can make the most of it before blessing it to OCA.


Revision history for this message
JB ( (jb.eficent) wrote :
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Hello Alexis, Daniel and Raphaël,

The module developed by Alexis is a valid option me. Let me expose the two alternatives that I can see as being valid.

First of all, some key definitions of project management terminology as defined by PMI:
- Control Account
A control account is a management control point where scope, budget, actual cost, and schedule are integrated and compared to the earned value for performance measurement (3).

- Planning Package
A planning package is a work breakdown structure component below the control account with known work content but without detailed schedule activities (3).

- Work Package
Same as a planning package, but with detailed activites defined within.
Work package is a more deliverable oriented definition of the work to be completed (identifies work to be done to complete the project scope, but does not provide the low level detail).

- Activty
Activities represent the effort needed to complete a work package. Each work package is decomposed into the activities required to produce the work package deliverables (4). Activities more specifically identify the individual low level actions needed to complete the work package.

- Milestone
Milestones are similar to regular schedule activities, with the same structure and
attributes, but they have zero duration because milestones represent a moment in time (5).

Now let's see how OpenERP seems to be mapping these concepts.
- Control Account --> project.project
- Planning Package --> project.task
- Work Package --> project.task
- Activity --> ?
- Milestone -> ?

From a PMI terminology perspective, OpenERP's project.task is now being used more as a work-package than as an activity (1),(2):
- project.task is now being used to assign work to be done without detailed breakdown (work packages) from other modules such project.issue or sales order lines that are related to internally procured service items.
- project.task is built with the capability to define multiple stages required to complete the work (analysis, design, ..). That is unnecessary in activities, but useful in work packages.

Now let's see how can we completely map in OpenERP the PMI concepts. I can see two options here:
Option 1 -> Use project.project to implement work packages and project.task to implement activities.
Option 2 -> Use project.task to implement work packages and project.action.item to implement activities.

Option 1 adheres to my current project management modules (, but has the following limitations:
1) Project Issue module should create project.project records as workd packages instead of project.task
2) Sale module should create project.project records as work packages instead of project.task.

Option 2 would require a significant redesign of my modules.

Mapping of concepts in Option 1:
Control Account --> project.project
Planning Package --> project.project
Work Package --> project.project
Activity --> project.task
Milestone -> project.task

Mapping of concepts in Option 2:
Control Account --> project.project
Planning Package --> project.task
Work Package --> project.task
Activity --> project.action.item
Milestone -> ...


35. By Alexis de Lattre

Implement some suggestions of Daniel Reis :
- explain where to find the module hr_timesheet_task in module description
- add state "In Progress" and adapt the wizard and buttons
- add field "to_invoice" on action item, that will be copied to the timesheet
- change "Done with timesheet" to "Done" in the tree view.

36. By Alexis de Lattre

Continue to implement the remarks of Daniel :
- add computed field timesheet_hours on project.action.item
- replace the native field 'planned_hours' on task by a computed field (sum of action items)
Update some strings and field names (Quantity -> Hours)
Flake8 validation

Revision history for this message
Alexis de Lattre (alexis-via) wrote :

@Daniel Reis

I have implemented all your remarks :

* I would be nice to inform where the lp branch "hr_timesheet_task" can be found, at least until rules the world.

=> Done

* The "Done with timesheet" is not a real button. It took me some time to realize it's test was clickable.

=> What do you suggest for that ?

* IMO "Done with timesheet" is a confusing label. I would prefer "Log on Timesheet" or the even simpler "Done".

=> We now have 2 buttons : "Done" and "Progress"

* Actions should heave a sequence field, and be manually reordered in the Task Actions tab.

=> They have that since my first commit :) Re-ordering action items works fine.

* If you have the "Manage time estimation on tasks" feature activated, the Task's estimated time should be computed as the total Actions estimated time (in the demo data, the Tasks estimated time is 22h and the Action estimated time is 70h).

=> Done?

* When an Action is Done, you can't see the actual time spent.

=> I added a field "timesheet_hours" on action items

* At the time you are creating the Action list, you should be able to set if you expect it to be billable (or expected Invoicing Ratio).

=> Done.

* You can't log time on an Action without completing it. The demo action "Develop final version" is 42h long, will surely span more than a week, and you will surely won't be able to wait until it's completed to log the time spent.
I suggest the wizard to let you log time on timesheet for an action, but keep it as not done / in progress.

=> Very good idea. Action items now have 3 states instead of 2 : todo, in progress and done.

37. By Alexis de Lattre

Add icon on button in tree view
Add related field projet_id
Now that we have both "todo" and "progress", the state field should always be visible.

Revision history for this message
Raphaël Valyi - (rvalyi) wrote :

Considering the suggestion from Jordi that WBS is better implemented using a project hierarchy than a task hierarchy (it's true that OpenERP has some support for a hierarchy of projects), then I approve Alexis' merge.

review: Approve
38. By Alexis de Lattre

[Usability] Put action items above timesheets, in the same tab

Revision history for this message
Daniel Reis (dreis-pt) wrote :

Great work Alexis. I hope you don't think it's too nitpicking, but I still have some (mostly UI) comments.

Regarding the "Manage time estimation on tasks" feature, you did a good job, but were tricked but thr ORM limitations: the "Initially planned hours" at the top of the Task form is now correct, but the "Remaining" and "Total Time" at the bottom still calculate as before. (Maybe you need to keep task estimated time a plain float updated when you write on an Action's.)

My UI suggestions are:

1) I find confusing to have both Actions and Work Ids on the same page. Maybe move Actions to a new form Page?
2) Add a read only "Actual Hours" after "Estimated Hours" and remove the "State" field. This gives better information with the same number of columns.
3) Replace the two icon button with a single "Log Time" classic button (I think the icon buttons are no longer used in v7), and instead have two action buttons on the wizard to log time on an Action ("Log and Continue", "Log and Complete"). This also makes the "Action Item Complete" checkbox unnecessary.
4) Remove the menu "Action Items": it's the same as the "My Action Items" menu, except that it has a removable default filter.

39. By Alexis de Lattre

[Usability] implement some of the remarks of Daniel Reis :
- one menu entry instead of 2
- display "Worked Hours" in Tree view and re-order cols

Revision history for this message
Alexis de Lattre (alexis-via) wrote :

@Daniel : about your UI suggestions :

1) I have precisely changed the task view so that the Actions and Works Ids are in the same tab, so that a user can see what he has done and what he has left to do in the same screen. I find it very usefull.

2) I added the field "Worked Hours" in the tree view ; I kept the "State" field because I find it usefull and there is enough room to keep it

3) The icon buttons are still used in v7 in the tree views (and only in tree views). For example, on the form view of a delivery order, there are 3 icon buttons : Scrap Products, Put in current pack, Put in new pack. So it's coherent with the rest of OpenERP.

4) I agree with you ; I kept only one menu entry "Action Items", with the filter.

40. By Alexis de Lattre

[Usability] Larger display for the action description.

Revision history for this message
Lorenzo Battistini (elbati) wrote :

Thanks Alexis,
some style notes

project_action_item/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
project_action_item/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
project_action_item/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
project_action_item/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
project_action_item/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
project_action_item/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
project_action_item/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
project_action_item/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
project_action_item/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
project_action_item/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
project_action_item/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
project_action_item/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
project_action_item/wizard/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
project_action_item/wizard/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
project_action_item/wizard/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
project_action_item/wizard/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line
project_action_item/wizard/ E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line

project_action_item/ E501 line too long (250 > 79 characters)
project_action_item/ E501 line too long (115 > 79 characters)
project_action_item/ E501 line too long (120 > 79 characters)
project_action_item/ E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Alexis de Lattre (alexis-via) wrote :

@Lorenzo :

You have a non-default configuration for flake8 ; as you can see below, flake8 gives me 0 error on the python files (except in

% flake8 project_action_item
project_action_item/ F401 'project' imported but unused
project_action_item/ F401 'wizard' imported but unused
project_action_item/ E501 line too long (250 > 79 characters)
project_action_item/ E501 line too long (115 > 79 characters)
project_action_item/ E501 line too long (120 > 79 characters)
project_action_item/ E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)
project_action_item/wizard/ F401 'update_action_generate_timesheet' imported but unused

Revision history for this message
Lorenzo Battistini (elbati) wrote :

Uh, I'm using this

The command
'flake8 project_action_item --ignore E501'
is the responsible for adding those output lines.
But I don't understand why

review: Abstain
Revision history for this message
Alexis de Lattre (alexis-via) wrote :


I have implemented and/or answered your UI remarks at the end of April. Could you update your review status (currently Needs Fixing) ?

Revision history for this message
Daniel Reis (dreis-pt) wrote :

This project is now hosted on Please move your proposal there.
This guide may help you

Revision history for this message
Alexis de Lattre (alexis-via) wrote :

@Daniel :

I won't move this MP in the short term, because I am not familiar with git. By the way, if you had updated your "Needs fixing" review status after I implemented your remarks back in April, this MP would probably have been merged before the move to github !!! So it would have avoided all this additional work to move the MP to github !!!

Revision history for this message
Daniel Reis (dreis-pt) wrote :

Alexis: I understand it was an avoidable inconvenience.
Since I caused it I'll take the burden for to move.
I'll update the status here.

Revision history for this message
Alexis de Lattre (alexis-via) wrote :


Thanks a lot for your proposal... it is very much appreciated !

Revision history for this message
Daniel Reis (dreis-pt) wrote :

Unmerged revisions

40. By Alexis de Lattre

[Usability] Larger display for the action description.

39. By Alexis de Lattre

[Usability] implement some of the remarks of Daniel Reis :
- one menu entry instead of 2
- display "Worked Hours" in Tree view and re-order cols

38. By Alexis de Lattre

[Usability] Put action items above timesheets, in the same tab

37. By Alexis de Lattre

Add icon on button in tree view
Add related field projet_id
Now that we have both "todo" and "progress", the state field should always be visible.

36. By Alexis de Lattre

Continue to implement the remarks of Daniel :
- add computed field timesheet_hours on project.action.item
- replace the native field 'planned_hours' on task by a computed field (sum of action items)
Update some strings and field names (Quantity -> Hours)
Flake8 validation

35. By Alexis de Lattre

Implement some suggestions of Daniel Reis :
- explain where to find the module hr_timesheet_task in module description
- add state "In Progress" and adapt the wizard and buttons
- add field "to_invoice" on action item, that will be copied to the timesheet
- change "Done with timesheet" to "Done" in the tree view.

34. By Alexis de Lattre

Add module project_action_item.

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