Merge ~alejdg/apache2-charm:master into apache2-charm:master

Proposed by Alexandre Gomes
Status: Superseded
Proposed branch: ~alejdg/apache2-charm:master
Merge into: apache2-charm:master
Diff against target: 41 lines (+6/-2)
3 files modified
config.yaml (+1/-1)
hooks/ (+1/-0)
metadata.yaml (+4/-1)
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Tom Haddon (community) Needs Fixing
Alexandre Gomes Abstain
Review via email:

This proposal has been superseded by a proposal from 2022-01-06.

Commit message

Rename nrpe-external-master relation to nrpe-external

Description of the change

This change is part of the inclusive naming project which aims to remove harmful terms, master/slave in this case.

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Revision history for this message
Alexandre Gomes (alejdg) wrote :

Can't be merged until nrpe charm supports the new name:

review: Needs Information
Revision history for this message
🤖 Canonical IS Merge Bot (canonical-is-mergebot) wrote :

This merge proposal is being monitored by mergebot. Change the status to Approved to merge.

Revision history for this message
Alexandre Gomes (alejdg) wrote :

stg-start-ubuntu-com in ps5 is running this version with both nrpe-external-master-relation and nrpe-external-relation.

Revision history for this message
Haw Loeung (hloeung) wrote (last edit ):

This breaks all deployments and requires people to re-relate doesn't it? Also, does it even let you upgrade the charm for an existing deployment where there is this relation already established?

Revision history for this message
Tom Haddon (mthaddon) wrote :

Marking back to WIP as this will need a bit more thinking in terms of a migration strategy.

Revision history for this message
Alexandre Gomes (alejdg) wrote :

New changes related to the migration strategy discussed in

Revision history for this message
Alexandre Gomes (alejdg) :
review: Abstain
Revision history for this message
Tom Haddon (mthaddon) wrote :

I'm not sure this will work as intended. The nrpe charm supports two different types of relations - the 'nrpe' relation, which is intended to be used if the nagios server is deployed in the same model and can be directly related, and the 'nrpe-external-master' relation, which doesn't use relations directly, but uses a mechanism of rsyncing files. I think adding 'nrpe' here will just mean the charm supports the 'nrpe' direct juju relation, rather than the external syncing mechanism using another name. Can you confirm?

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Alexandre Gomes (alejdg) wrote :

I double-checked the nrpe charm and its relation to charms doesn't change if nagios is local or not. The control of the syncing mechanism lies in the `export_nagios_definitions`[1] config in that charm.
The relation connecting nrpe and nagios is named "monitors" according to nrpe's doc[2]


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