
Created by Andy Whitcroft and last modified
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Andy Whitcroft

Recent revisions

342. By Andy Whitcroft

britney: ubuntu-kernel-release -- emit approved hints as kernel-testing

In order to make the source of blocks clear in the proposed-migration output
switch to placing the approved hints in a top-level hints file called
kernel-testing leading to output like:

  Not touching package due to block request by kernel-testing (...)

Signed-off-by: Andy Whitcroft <email address hidden>

341. By Andy Whitcroft

britney: add support for the ubuntu-release-team hints file

britney in general is not able to track regressions correctly for kernels
as it does not distinguish results for each specific kernel flavour from
any other. britney is therefore intentionally told to not track testing
for those kernels and will (without any other block) release kernels
without waiting for that testing. We intend that the kernel-team will
handle the testing feedback and when good release their block on the
kernel. Currently they use the Launchpad block-proposed tags to achieve
this, but this is highly fragile as you can only ask to block everything,
there is no selectivity.

Add a new kernel-team/release hints file which is separatly maintained
in its own git repository. Add special validation for this hints file
to limit it to handling kernel block/unblock hints only. Ensure that
release-team blocks override any kernel-team unblocks.

Signed-off-by: Andy Whitcroft <email address hidden>

340. By Iain Lane

britney: Fix ood_report generation

We need to pass the series name, not stable/testing.

Also, only do this for the default (devel) series

339. By Steve Langasek

Enable the out-of-date report, since the separate testing/ one is broken

338. By Iain Lane

Add a FauxPackage for gdm3

Currently gnome-core is uninstallable on s390x, but it's not really worth
adding a delta, let's pretend that it is installable.

337. By Iain Lane

Merge trunk - oh for rebase

336. By Iain Lane

Revert r333

The partial source suite idea doesn't work, and without this we're considering
release ONLY when dealing with stables.

This might need a bit more work, I'm not sure if proposed-migration will do the
right thing in all cases, let's see for a bit. If necessary we might need a
proper merge here:

  sources = read_sources_into_dict(release)
  update_sources = read_sources_into_dict(updates)
  for source in update_sources:
    sources[source] = update_sources[source]

  binaries = read_binaries(release)
  update_binaries = read_binaries(updates)

  for source, source_bins in group_binaries_by_source(update_binaries):
    # filter out binaries from this source
    binaries = {k:v for k, v in binaries if v.source != source}
    binaries |= source_bins

335. By Iain Lane

Merge trunk

334. By Iain Lane

britney: update_excuses.yaml is now .xz

333. By Iain Lane

pkg_lists: Copy -updates

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