
Created by William Hua and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~attente/gnome-control-center/lp1218322
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Branch information

William Hua

Recent revisions

616. By William Hua

Update debian/changelog.

615. By William Hua

Merge trunk.

614. By William Hua

Allow double-modifiers.

613. By William Hua

Meta should just be Alt.

612. By William Hua

* debian/patches/input-sources-text-entry.patch:
  - support modifier-only input-source switching (lp: #1218322)

611. By William Hua

Accept modifier shortcuts for input source switching.

610. By Sebastien Bacher

releasing package gnome-control-center version 1:3.6.3-0ubuntu43

609. By Sebastien Bacher

debian/patches/unity_no_zoom_controls.patch: hide the zoom controls under
Unity. The upstream code only shows them when gnome-shell is running,
but unity takes the dbus namespace for other compat reasons which leads
to have the option even if there is no zoom backend (lp: #1205893)

608. By Sebastien Bacher

releasing package gnome-control-center version 1:3.6.3-0ubuntu41

607. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/patches/git_drop_ibus_engine_whitelist.patch,
  - restore the unity specific's entry, it was dropped by error during the
    cyle. This way we don't have a duplicated language icon in
    the settings' grid. Clean up some warnings in the code as well
    Thanks William Hua (lp: #188251)

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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