
Created by William Hua and last modified
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Branch information

William Hua
GNOME Settings Daemon

Recent revisions

430. By William Hua

Merge trunk.

429. By William Hua


428. By William Hua

Also check shortcuts by key code. (LP: 1226962)

427. By Sebastien Bacher

releasing package gnome-settings-daemon version 3.8.5-0ubuntu5

426. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/patches/git_hardcode_deprecated_gtk_settings.patch:
  - revert previous change, it's buggy (lp: #1228886). GNOME/GTK upstream
    decided to drop support for some of their settings in 3.10, but:
    - those settings are still there and working in saucy
    - they shouldn't have been dropped without discussion
    - the fix is to workaround issues with a ppa, which can be solved by
      simply adding those gsettings key to the schemas in the ppa version

425. By Luke Yelavich

releasing package gnome-settings-daemon version 3.8.5-0ubuntu4

423. By Jeremy Bícha

releasing package gnome-settings-daemon version 3.8.5-0ubuntu3

422. By William Hua

* debian/patches/53_sync_input_sources_to_accountsservice.patch:
  - Fix type mismatch between g-s-d and accountsservice (LP: #1225785)

421. By Jeremy Bícha

releasing package gnome-settings-daemon version 3.8.5-0ubuntu2

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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