
Created by William Hua and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~attente/ubuntu-themes/battery-plugged-broken-symlink
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Branch information

William Hua
Ubuntu theme

Recent revisions

447. By William Hua <william@attente>

Fix broken symlink: ubuntu-mono-dark/status/22/battery_plugged.svg.

446. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 14.04+15.10.20150721-0ubuntu1

445. By Lars Karlitski

Clean up nautilus theming. Mostly, this consists of moving from nautilus-specific widgets and classes to more generic gtk ones.

Also remove some unused rules due to changes in nautilus' widgets.

As a side-effect, apps that have buttons in headerbars (that are used as toolbars) look more consistent with nautilus now. Fixes: #1463848
Approved by: Sebastien Bacher

444. By Lars Karlitski

Theme GTK overlay-scrollbars to be more ubuntu-ish
Approved by: Sebastien Bacher

443. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 14.04+15.10.20150707-0ubuntu1

442. By Matthieu James

Updated all mono icons to the new thinner graphic style, including actions, indicators and symbolic app and device icons.
Approved by: Jouni Helminen, PS Jenkins bot

441. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 14.04+15.10.20150706-0ubuntu1

440. By Matthieu James

Updated the app icons to their new version (flatter and refreshed graphic style) and added a new icon for Dekko email client.
Changed the colour of the 'new message' indicator to green Fixes: #1450894, #1457424
Approved by: Jouni Helminen

439. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 14.04+15.10.20150603.1-0ubuntu1

438. By Charles Kerr

cherrypick the new messages-new.svg suru icon from lp:~tiheum/ubuntu-themes/suru-app-icons-v2 Fixes: #1450894
Approved by: Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho

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