
Created by Dario Bertini and last modified
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Dario Bertini

Recent revisions

676. By Dario Bertini

The test will ignore stderr, so I can't rely on that to make it detect problems
as a workaround, I hardcoded the output of using "ls -1" as the editor, unfortunately it seems it still doesn't work

675. By Dario Bertini

Added test for "quickly edit"
"env cat" is used as a dummy editor: it has a space to catch the previous bug, and will actually access the files, thus raising an error if quickly will try to open non-existing files

674. By Dario Bertini

Fixed bug: when $EDITOR contains spaces subprocess fails

673. By Michael Terry

filter out a new harmless warning in quantal

672. By Michael Terry

quick fix for flash-game template's package command. It needs a lot more love, but this gets it working

671. By Michael Terry

update NEWS and version to 12.05

670. By Michael Terry

don't warn about PyGI for fresh cli projects

669. By Michael Terry

heavily customize debian/rules for extras packages

668. By Michael Terry

fix package.sh test

667. By Tony Byrne <email address hidden> <email address hidden>

bugfix envionment QUICKLY_EDITOR breaks some a test

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