- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~bladernr/maas/add-hpdsa-info-drivers.yaml
Branch merges
- Mike Pontillo (community): Disapprove
Diff: 39 lines (+30/-0)1 file modifiedetc/maas/drivers.yaml (+30/-0)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 4245. By Gavin Panella
rouse][ bug=][author= allenap] MAAS-custom DocTestMatches matcher which normalises white-space and recognises ellipsis. The matcher in testtools does not do either by default.
- 4244. By Gavin Panella
rouse][ bug=][author= allenap] At the start of each test close any open database connections if database usage is forbidden, and report in which thread the database has been disabled if database usage is attempted. - 4243. By Ricardo Bánffy
rouse][ bug=][author= rbanffy] Add a status reporting webhook to be used by Curtin and Cloud-init (or any other application) to report on what is the current action being performed on the node. - 4242. By Ricardo Bánffy
[bug=][ author= rbanffy] Add a note on minimum RAM size for VMs in testing/development environments. - 4241. By Gavin Panella
rouse][ bug=][author= allenap] New context managers for selectively disabling or enabling database access. - 4240. By Gavin Panella
[bug=][ author= allenap] Prevent use of the database from non-database-aware test cases. - 4239. By Gavin Panella
rouse][ bug=][author= allenap] Use the progressive test plugin only at the console. Otherwise, for example in the landing robot, increase verbosity and don't capture standard Python logging.
- 4238. By Gavin Panella
rouse][ bug=][author= allenap] In the WebSocket listener be defensive handling the database connection when obtaining its fileno and when closing it.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/~maas-committers/maas/trunk