
Created by Brad Marshall and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/~brad-marshall/charms/trusty/swift-proxy/add-nrpe-checks
Only Brad Marshall can upload to this branch. If you are Brad Marshall please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Brad Marshall

Recent revisions

74. By Brad Marshall

[bradm] Removed nagios check files that were moved to nrpe-external-master charm

73. By Brad Marshall

[bradm] Removed puppet header from nagios_plugin module

72. By Brad Marshall

[bradm] Added sysvinit daemon monitoring, use services() instead of hard coded daemon list, pep8 fixes

71. By Brad Marshall

[bradm] Check if host_context is defined before using it

70. By Brad Marshall

[bradm] Tweaked check to include host context and unit name

69. By Brad Marshall

[bradm] Added support to get nagios hostname from nrpe relation

68. By Brad Marshall

[bradm] Added charmsupport to charmhelpers

67. By root <email address hidden>

[bradm] initial nrpe checks

66. By Edward Hope-Morley


If a hash is not provided when deploying swift-proxy,
each unit will create it's own. This patch builds default
swift_hash from $JUJU_ENV_UUID and service_name (unless
one is provided in config)

Closes-Bug: 1337765

65. By Edward Hope-Morley

[hopem] synced lp:charm-helpers

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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