
Created by Markus Korn and last modified

Bughelper - next generation

This is a completely rewritten version of the bughelper tools. It uses
launchpadlib to access launchpad.net. In addition to bughelper clue files
it is also able to use apport bugpattern to query bugreports. Also the
internal mechanism of launchpad to lookup possible duplicates can be used.


bughelper uses a buildout environment for development. To create
such environemt run

    $ python bootstrap.py
    $ bin/buildout

The bughelper tool ca now be excecuted by running

    $ bin/bughlper --help

bughelper also has a testsuite. To run the tests run

    $ bin/test

Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/~bughelper-dev/bughelper/bughelper-ng
Members of Bughelper Developers can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.

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Branch information

Bughelper Developers
Bug Helper

Recent revisions

50. By Markus Korn

fixed error if bzr is not installed

49. By Markus Korn

fixed error if 'dpkg-query' is not installed

48. By Markus Korn

merged local changes

47. By Markus Korn

added some structure to the output of bughelper

46. By Markus Korn

added some license header; small fix to __bughelper_result__: there can theoretically be multible results for one task

45. By Markus Korn

updated README; don't automatically fail if no supported version og apport is found

44. By Markus Korn

added some development instructions to README

43. By Markus Korn

added handler for special attributes

42. By Markus Korn

implemented --attachments option in bughelper

41. By Markus Korn

fixed doctest for conditions

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
