
Created by Carlo Lobrano and last modified
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Carlo Lobrano
Ubuntu theme

Recent revisions

595. By Carlo Lobrano

Fixed focus ring for segmented button in combobox

This commit replicate the previous one for a combobox
made only of buttons.

Replaced border-image with colored border to let the
whole button border be highlighted.

Moreover, adjusted
- border-radius to match with the unfocused button
- margin and padding to cope with the thicker border when focused
  and keep the same overall button size.

fixes: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/desktop-design/issues/24

594. By Carlo Lobrano

Fixed focus ring for segmented buttons

Replaced border-image with colored border to let the
whole button border be highlighted.

Moreover, adjusted
- border-radius to match with the unfocused button
- margin and padding to cope with the thicker border when focused
    and keep the same overall button size.

fixes: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/desktop-design/issues/24

593. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 16.10+18.04.20171115.1-0ubuntu1

592. By Matthieu James

Last update of the Suru icon theme before I leave the company. Not sure it's very useful anymore but at least the source files will be archived. Too many changes to be listed here but everything is commented commit by commmit.

Approved by: Marco Trevisan (Treviño)

591. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 16.10+18.04.20171114-0ubuntu1

590. By Carlo Lobrano

Ambiance, Radiance: Fixed border in switcher widget

Adding border width 1px and style solid to avoid the background to look
like it is going outside the widget itself (LP: #1719355)

Approved by: Marco Trevisan (Treviño)

589. By Andrea Azzarone

Fix osd progress bar look. (LP: #1724808)

Approved by: Iain Lane

588. By Marco Trevisan (Treviño)

Ambiance, Radiance: Use inverted gradient for button actions in maximized titlebars (LP: #1726322)

587. By Marco Trevisan (Treviño)

Ambiance, Radiance: add theming for headerbar .destructive-action button's

Based on same .suggested-action theming. (LP: #1726318)

Approved by: Iain Lane

586. By Carlo Lobrano

Ambiance, Radiance: fix horizontal linked suggested-action and destructive-action (LP: #1721102)

Approved by: Marco Trevisan (Treviño)

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