
Created by Charles Kerr and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~charlesk/indicator-datetime/lp-1456281-fix-15.04-alarm-regression
Only Charles Kerr can upload to this branch. If you are Charles Kerr please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Charles Kerr
Indicator Date and Time

Recent revisions

428. By Charles Kerr

in eds-engine, add a occur-in-time-range sexp to handle events that are interesting but don't require user notification alarms

427. By Charles Kerr

in run-eds-ics-test.sh, slightly cleaner ics file copying

426. By Charles Kerr

in engine-eds.cpp's on_object_list_ready(), always mark the subtask as finished even if the dbus call failed.

425. By Charles Kerr

in engine-eds.cpp's get_appointments(), clear the begin_str and end_str variables as soon as we're done with them.

424. By Charles Kerr

remove a little more leftover code from the false starts

423. By Charles Kerr


422. By Charles Kerr

remove detritus from the false starts.

421. By Charles Kerr

re-enable the tests that I disabled earlier in this branch while focusing on the EDS bugfix

420. By Charles Kerr

Add an EDS test for nonrepeating alarms. Refactor the EDS testing structure slightly so that more of the basic config setup can be shared.

419. By Charles Kerr

fixed first test passing

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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