Created by
Charles Kerr
and last modified
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~charlesk/indicator-datetime/lp-1456281-fix-15.04-alarm-regression
Charles Kerr
can upload to this branch. If you are
Charles Kerr
please log in for upload directions.
Branch merges
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dependent on this one.
- Ted Gould (community): Approve
- PS Jenkins bot (community): Approve (continuous-integration)
Diff: 1442 lines (+809/-433)17 files modifiedsrc/engine-eds.cpp (+348/-200)
tests/CMakeLists.txt (+15/-14)
tests/print-to.h (+10/-1)
tests/run-eds-ics-test.sh (+10/-0)
tests/test-eds-ics-all-day-events.cpp (+91/-0)
tests/test-eds-ics-all-day-events.ics (+19/-0)
tests/test-eds-ics-config-files/.config/evolution/sources/system-proxy.source (+21/-0)
tests/test-eds-ics-nonrepeating-events.cpp (+93/-0)
tests/test-eds-ics-nonrepeating-events.ics (+27/-0)
tests/test-eds-ics-repeating-events.cpp (+100/-0)
tests/test-eds-ics-repeating-events.ics (+28/-0)
tests/test-eds-ics-repeating-valarms.ics (+47/-0)
tests/test-eds-tasks-config-files/.config/evolution/sources/system-proxy.source (+0/-21)
tests/test-eds-tasks-config-files/.local/share/evolution/tasks/system/tasks.ics (+0/-28)
tests/test-eds-tasks.cpp (+0/-101)
tests/test-eds-valarms-config-files/.config/evolution/sources/system-proxy.source (+0/-21)
tests/test-eds-valarms-config-files/.local/share/evolution/calendar/system/calendar.ics (+0/-47)
Related bugs
Bug #1456281: Alarms not going off in ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en | Critical | Fix Released |
Related blueprints
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 428. By Charles Kerr
in eds-engine, add a occur-in-time-range sexp to handle events that are interesting but don't require user notification alarms
- 426. By Charles Kerr
in engine-eds.cpp's on_object_
list_ready( ), always mark the subtask as finished even if the dbus call failed. - 425. By Charles Kerr
in engine-eds.cpp's get_appointments(), clear the begin_str and end_str variables as soon as we're done with them.
- 421. By Charles Kerr
re-enable the tests that I disabled earlier in this branch while focusing on the EDS bugfix
- 420. By Charles Kerr
Add an EDS test for nonrepeating alarms. Refactor the EDS testing structure slightly so that more of the basic config setup can be shared.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/indicator-datetime/15.10