
Created by James Page and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/charms/nrpe-external-master
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Recent revisions

41. By Matt Bruzek

[macgreagoir] Make it possible to autogenerate check_load parameters.
[mbruzek] Changed categories to tags and misc to monitors.

40. By Charles Butler

  [r=aisreal, a=lazypower] Mick Gregg 2015-03-30 Catch exception getting properties when job is stopped to allow CRITICAL. Bug #1425110

38. By Charles Butler

    [r=lazypower] Brad Marshall 2014-11-21 [bradm] Fixed if statement
    Brad Marshall 2014-11-21 [bradm] Tweaked logic on the error conditions a bit, and fixed the re...
    Brad Marshall 2014-11-20 [bradm] Add an update of the locally provided checks to config-change...
    Brad Marshall 2014-11-20 [bradm] Removed logic to check if there are no namespaces, this is ju...
    Brad Marshall 2014-11-20 [bradm] Added network namespace check

37. By Brad Marshall

[bradm, r=jjo] Added nagios checks for monitoring upstart and sysvinit daemons

35. By Brad Marshall

[brad-marshall, r=jjo] Changed to use /etc/rsync-juju.d and &include in the main rsyncd.conf

34. By Brad Marshall

[brad-marshall, r=chris-gondolin] Fixes an issue with the nagios hostname being empty if hostname --fqdn errors out, which can happen with LXCs or other oddness with DNS.

33. By Charles Butler

  Antonio Rosales 2014-09-19 Add Nagios N icon.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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