
Created by Matt Bruzek and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/charms/trusty/flannel-docker
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Recent revisions

13. By Charles Butler

  [r=tvansteenburgh] Charles Butler 2015-09-28 Adds simplejson to tox dependency list

12. By Matt Bruzek

[lazypower] Includes a work-around python script to handle ansible raising an error when attempting to parse a non-existant array in the host_vars file.

10. By Charles Butler

Update the tests to be a bit more CI compliant

9. By Charles Butler

Update tests to reflect the order dependency exhibited in bug #14

8. By Charles Butler

Scope the charm deploys to series/service pointing at the store. plan for success

7. By Charles Butler

Correct the relationship sequence for the README if deploying by hand.

Adding relationship to the DB after Network will cause a silent and consistent
failure scenario. This is due to the guarding of the networking being setup,
and how ansible handles skip cases.

This is a logic error and is filed against bug #14 on the proejct:

6. By Charles Butler

V0.0.5 from github

5. By Charles Butler

Import tag v0.0.4 from github

4. By Charles Butler

Corrected unit tests, and validated the Makefile construction

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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