
Created by Fabien Tassin and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/gyp.head
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Branch information

Chromium team
Chromium Browser

Recent revisions

15. By Fabien Tassin

* Fix get-orig-source as the DEPS file changed its syntax once again
  - add debian/gyp-url-from-deps.sh
  - update debian/rules

14. By Fabien Tassin

* RELEASE 0.1~svn840-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu/maverick

13. By Fabien Tassin

* Merge with gyp.lucid #13

12. By Fabien Tassin

* Create 0.1~svn821+really818 to unbreak the dailies

11. By Fabien Tassin

* Follow Chromium (using its DEPS file) to prevent unncessary build failures
  - update debian/rules

10. By Fabien Tassin

* RELEASE 0.1~svn805-0ubuntu1 to Ubuntu/Lucid

9. By Fabien Tassin

* New upstream snapshot: 0.1 SVN 805

8. By Fabien Tassin

* RELEASE 0.1~svn785-0ubuntu1 to Ubuntu/Lucid

7. By Fabien Tassin

* New upstream snapshot: 0.1 SVN 785

6. By Fabien Tassin

* RELEASE 0.1~svn770-0ubuntu1 to Ubuntu/Lucid

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.