
Created by Olivier Tilloy and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/xenial-dev
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Branch information

Chromium team
Chromium Browser

Recent revisions

1522. By Olivier Tilloy

* Upstream dev channel update: 90.0.4430.19

1521. By Olivier Tilloy

* Upstream dev channel update: 90.0.4430.11
* debian/patches/suppress-newer-clang-warning-flags.patch: refreshed

1520. By Olivier Tilloy

* debian/rules: no need to build with build_with_tflite_lib=false any longer, simple_test.tflite is now in the source tarball

1519. By Olivier Tilloy

Merge back changes from beta branch.

1518. By Olivier Tilloy

* debian/patches/evdev-undefined-switch.patch: added

1517. By Olivier Tilloy

* Upstream dev channel update: 90.0.4427.5
* debian/patches/gtk-symbols-conditional.patch: refreshed
* debian/patches/suppress-newer-clang-warning-flags.patch: refreshed

1516. By Olivier Tilloy

* debian/patches/libaom-armhf-build-cpudetect.patch: added
* debian/patches/libaom-armhf-no-rtcd.patch: removed

1515. By Olivier Tilloy

* debian/patches/libaom-armhf-no-rtcd.patch: added

1514. By Olivier Tilloy

* Upstream dev channel update: 90.0.4421.5
* debian/patches/fix-c++17ism.patch: refreshed
* debian/patches/import-missing-fcntl-defines.patch: refreshed
* debian/patches/set-rpath-on-chromium-executables.patch: refreshed
* debian/patches/suppress-newer-clang-warning-flags.patch: refreshed
* debian/patches/title-bar-default-system.patch-v35: refreshed
* debian/patches/use-clang-versioned.patch: refreshed

1513. By Olivier Tilloy

* debian/patches/import-missing-fcntl-defines.patch: updated

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
