
Created by CI Train Bot Account and last modified
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CI Train Bot Account

Recent revisions

358. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 1.3.1+17.04.20170316.1-0ubuntu1

357. By CI Train Bot Account

* New upstream release 1.3.1 (https://launchpad.net/miral/+milestone/1.3.1)
  - ABI summary:
    . miral ABI unchanged at 2
  - Enhancements:
    . [libmirclientcpp] RAII wrappers for MirBlob and MirCookie
    . spelling: SetWindowManagmentPolicy => SetWindowManagementPolicy
  - Bugs fixed:
    . [miral-shell] If a surface is deleted before its decoration is painted
      miral-shell can crash, or hang on exit (LP: #1673038)
    . [miral-shell] if the specified font doesn't exist the server crashes
      (LP: #1671028)
    . [libmiral] When a dialog is hidden ensure that the active window focus
      goes to the parent. (LP: #1671072)

356. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 1.3.0+17.04.20170303-0ubuntu1

355. By CI Train Bot Account

* New upstream release 1.3.0 (https://launchpad.net/miral/+milestone/1.3)
  - ABI summary:
    . miral ABI unchanged at 2
  - Enhancements:
    . [libmiral] Support for workspaces
    . [libmiral] Add miral::WindowManagerTools::focus_prev_within_application
                 (LP: #1668562)
    . [libmirclientcpp] A better description of libmirclientcpp-dev
    . [libmirclientcpp] Add RAII wrapper for MirDisplayConfig.
    . [libmirclientcpp] Prevent accidental double-release by deleting release
                        functions for handle classes
    . [miral-shell] Example workspaces implementation
    . [miral-shell] Use background to show keyboard shortcuts
  - Bugs fixed:
    . [libmiral] Join internal client threads before server shutdown
                 (LP: #1668651)
    . [miral-shell] Workaround for crash on exit (LP: #1667645)

354. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 1.2.0+17.04.20170215.1-0ubuntu1

353. By CI Train Bot Account

* New upstream release 1.2.0 (https://launchpad.net/miral/+milestone/1.2)
  - ABI summary:
    . miral ABI unchanged at 2
  - Enhancements:
    . New libmirclientcpp-dev package "C++ wrapper for libmirclient". (Split
      from libmiral-dev)
    . Give miral-app and miral-desktop a good default for -bindir
    . More surface to window renaming to reflect Mir name changes
    . Refresh the "Building and Using MirAL" doc
  - Bugs fixed:
    . Chrome-less shell hint does not work any more (LP: #1658117)
    . WindowSpec::set_state() wrapper for mir_window_spec_set_state()
      (LP: #1661256)
    . "$ miral-app -kiosk" fails with "Unknown command line options:
      --desktop_file_hint=miral-shell.desktop" (LP: #1660933)
    . libmiral] Fix focus and movement rules for Input Method and Satellite
       windows. (LP: #1660691)

352. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 1.1.0+17.04.20170127-0ubuntu1

351. By CI Train Bot Account

* New upstream release 1.1.0 (https://launchpad.net/miral/+milestone/1.1)
  - ABI summary:
    . miral ABI unchanged at 2
  - Enhancements:
    . Compatibility with Mir 0.26 and update API to use the new Mir types and
    . Logging of exceptions added to --window-management-trace
    . Rename WindowManagementPolicy::place_new_surface => place_new_window"
  - Bugs fixed:
    . top-level window is not raised along with its child (LP: #1658085)
    . miral-shell depends on default cursor theme being installed
      (LP: #1658159)

350. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 1.0.2+17.04.20170118.1-0ubuntu1

349. By CI Train Bot Account

* New upstream release 1.0.1 (https://launchpad.net/miral/+milestone/1.0)
  - ABI summary:
    . miral ABI unchanged at 2
  - Enhancements:
  - Bugs fixed:
    . Let the policy decide how to handle "ready" for windows that can't have
      focus (LP: #1652109)

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