
Created by CI Train Bot Account and last modified
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CI Train Bot Account
Ubuntu UI Toolkit

Recent revisions

1358. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 1.3.2085+16.10.20160916

1357. By Zsombor Egri

Fix ActionList API break. (LP: #1623841)

Approved by: Olivier Tilloy, Zoltan Balogh

1356. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of ubuntu-sdk-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1355. By CI Train Bot Account

Resync trunk.

1354. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 1.3.2085+16.10.20160831.4

1353. By CI Train Bot Account

* Remove the *.la files from the -dev package; they have been obsolete for
  many years, cause dependency trouble.
* Fix the sscanf and roundf incompatiblity for Yaketty builds
* API for MenuBar, Menus, MenuItem & MenuSeparator.
* Introduced Action states & ExclusiveGroup action list
* Add ScrollingActionBarStyle.
* SplitView to Ubuntu.Components.Labs.
* Get rid of pragma warning, use standard way to mark an argument unused; fix
  build failure related to static const used in qMin(), happening with Qt5.5.1
* ActivityIndicatorStyle: set default size on component instead of style.
* Update Popover and ListItem code examples to use the new ListItem and
  ListItemLayout components.

1352. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 1.3.2073+16.10.20160824

1351. By CI Train Bot Account

* No need to check the setting anymore when vibrate. Fixes LP: #1433590.
* AbstractButton: Bind mouse area signals earlier. Otherwise it can happen that
  someone clicks on button and the binding is still not done, i.e. 22911213 .
  Fixes LP: #1610165.
* Fix build warnings.
* Remove unused Q_Q(UCAbtractButton) declaration.
* Address documentation issue in UbuntuListView - pullToRefresh has "enabled"
  property. Fixes LP: #1387679
* Added new C++ UbuntuMetrics library.
  This library allows the monitoring of various metrics in QtQuick 2
  applications. It allows the logging of different metrics as well as
  overlaying these metrics on top of each QtQuick windows.
* Added LTTng support to UbuntuMetrics.
* Added support for logging generic events. Made use of it to log predefined
  ApplicationMonitor events. Predefined events only define UserInterfaceReady
  for now, as it's needed to track start-up time.
* Wrapped libUbuntuMetrics to QML.
* Icon, Switch and ProgressBar: enable use of texture atlas.
* ActivityIndicator: do not load the image until the ActivityIndicator is
  made visible. Load it asynchronously.
* Remove unused CHANGES, CHANGES.syntax and NEWS files.

1350. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of ubuntu-sdk-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1349. By CI Train Bot Account

Resync trunk.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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