
Created by CI Train Bot Account and last modified
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CI Train Bot Account
Ubuntu UI Toolkit

Recent revisions

2168. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 1.3.2151+17.04.20170131.1

2167. By CI Train Bot Account

Add support for interacting with Content Hub Clipboard UI via DBus calls (LP: #1563440)

Approved by: Christian Dywan, ubuntu-sdk-build-bot

2166. By Andrea Bernabei

ListItemLayout documentation: fix typo in color usage of a code example. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1561861.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Christian Dywan.

2165. By Zsombor Egri

Get tst_listitem_focus_13 back alive. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1624331.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Christian Dywan.

2164. By Arthur Mello

Add support for interacting with Content Hub Clipboard UI via DBus calls. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1563440.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Christian Dywan.

2163. By Daniel d'Andrada

If GRID_UNIT_PX set, always use it.

It should override scaling information from the QPA.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Christian Dywan, Gerry Boland.

2162. By Adnane Belmadiaf

Expose append method in TextArea. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1658121.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Christian Dywan.

2161. By Tim Peeters

Toolbar visual refresh to scroll the icons instead of using an overflow panel. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1558018.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Zsombor Egri.

2160. By Sergio Cazzolato

This change is done to remove the dependencies with upstart in the tests.
To start apps with env vars is gonna be used the launch_test_application method provided by autopilot in its test base class which is a wrapper for the ubuntu-app-launch tools (API).

This change removes all the dependencies with upstart, so all the projects which are using the initctl api and fixtures will be impacted.

An update in the documentation or in the blog is gonna be done also to communicate this change to the developers.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Christian Dywan.

2159. By Cris Dywan

Add visualRoot property to MainWindow. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1504551, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1656857.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Tim Peeters.

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