
Created by Sam Spilsbury and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~compiz-team/compiz/build-fixes-part-9-remove-cruft
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Compiz Maintainers

Recent revisions

3220. By Sam Spilsbury

Merged build-fixes-part-8-gtest-add-tests into build-fixes-part-9-remove-cruft.

3219. By Sam Spilsbury

Consolidated Xig tests into main header

3218. By Sam Spilsbury

Remove useless headers

3217. By Sam Spilsbury

Put messages about libcompizconfig configuration in main results

3216. By Sam Spilsbury

There is no reason why the wrapsystem tests need an X Server

3215. By Sam Spilsbury

Set the environment in the test harness as SET_TESTS_PROPERTIES appears
to not work

3214. By Sam Spilsbury

Fix useless uninstall rule and add code to allow the compizconfig-python
tests to be run without compizconfig actually being installed ... CTest
doesn't quite get it yet though

3213. By Sam Spilsbury

Build compizconfig-python

3212. By Sam Spilsbury

Merged build-fixes-part-5-gsettings-warnings into build-fixes-part-6-remove-pyclean.

3211. By Sam Spilsbury

Be smarter about building ccsm

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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