Created by
to be removed
and last modified
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/python-fstab/trunk.deb-packaging
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can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.
Branch merges
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dependent on this one.
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 44. By Lars Wirzenius <liw@gytha>
* Fixed Vcs-Bzr header to point at current location.
* Packaging fixes from Julian Andres Klode:
- Added ${misc:Depends}
- Use "dh --buildsystem" rather than kludge
- Install NEWS as upstream changelog - 43. By Lars Wirzenius <liw@gytha>
Install NEWS as upstream changelog, thanks to Julian Andres Klode.
- 42. By Lars Wirzenius <liw@gytha>
Use dh --buildsystem instead of kludge, thanks to Julian Andres Klode.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 6
- Repository format:
- Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)