
Created by Corey Bryant and last modified
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Corey Bryant
OpenStack Compute (nova)

Recent revisions

694. By Corey Bryant

d/p/Fixes-rdb-backend-image-size.patch: Dropped. Fixed upstream in 2014.1.2.

693. By James Page

* Resynchronize with stable/icehouse (c545075) (LP: #1354159):
  - [1408081] Mask block_device_info auth_password in virt driver debug logs
  - [8d7de91] VMware: Add check for datacenter with no datastore
  - [0d9419f] Fixes hyper-v volume attach when host is AD member
  - [1469c8e] Prevent clean-up of migrating instances on compute init
  - [0617601] VMware: use default values in get_info() when properties are missing
  - [c8df2ac] Set python hash seed to 0 in tox.ini
  - [7de0132] Do not pass instances without host to compute API
  - [811cab7] Do not process events for instances without host
  - [0e1580e] Attach/detach interface to paused instance with affect live flag
  - [397de7b] Turn periodic tasks off in all unit tests
  - [9f59ca7] Avoid possible timing attack in metadata api
  - [72cc37d] Handle service creation race by service workers
  - [af7ba1c] Fixes rbd backend image size
  - [a8b52c0] VMware: Fix race in spawn() when resizing cached image
  - [132d5a2] Avoid re-adding iptables rules for instances that have disappeared
  - [0142324] VMware: Fix fake raising the wrong exception in _remove_file
  - [b08f62a] Fix security group list when not defined for an instance
  - [f598864] libvirt: Make nwfilter driver use right filterref
  - [da777f1] Make sure domain exists before referencing it
  - [8d260a8] Scheduler: enable scheduler hint to pass the group name
  - [4c551d9] Instance groups: add method get_by_hint
  - [9f5d2a6] Avoid referencing stale instance/network_info dicts in firewall
  - [e43c43e] Neutronv2 api does not support neutron without port quota
  - [120ecf3] Fix the wrong dest of 'vlan' option and add new 'vlan_start' option
  - [f864329] Use default rpc_response_timeout in unit tests
  - [4aeefa7] Network: ensure that ports are 'unset' when instance is deleted
  - [a365897] Save connection info in libvirt after volume connect
  - [d1c5736] Cleanup allocating networks when InstanceNotFound is raised
  - [2f40191] Failure during termination should always leave state as error()
  - [485f25d] Use no_timer_check with soft-qemu
  - [0994254] Use correct project/user for quotas
  - [4c6b0f7] Revert "Remove broken quota-classes API"
  - [96212b1] libvirt: Refresh volume connection_info after volume snapshot
  - [c104f2f] Set the volume access mode during volume attach
  - [c754305] VCDriver - Ignore host in Maintenance mode in stats update
  - [4820dbb] VMware: Fix memory leaks caused by caches
  - [0252c87] Include pending task in log message on skip sync_power_state
  - [9095bcf] Fixes Hyper-V iSCSI target login method
  - [17e71f7] VMware: prevent image snapshot if no root disk defined
  - [c545075] versions API: ignore request with a body
* d/p/fix-requirements.patch: Refreshed.
* d/watch: Point to tarballs.openstack.org for release artifacts.
* Cherry picked two fixes from upstream.
  - [2cebfd2] libvirt: convert cpu features attribute from list to a set (LP: #1267191)
  - [b86a0e5] Fixes rdb backend image size (LP: #1219658)

692. By Chuck Short

More fixups

691. By Chuck Short

Fix sudoers

690. By Chuck Short

More fixing

689. By Chuck Short

Fix formtating

688. By Chuck Short

Fix changelog

687. By Chuck Short

* SECURITY UPDATE: specify /etc/nova/rootwrap.conf for use with
  - CVE-2013-1068 (LP: #1185019)
* debian/patches/libvirt-Handle-unsupported-host-capabilities.patch: Fix
  exception when starting instances with libvirt LXC or XEN. (LP: #1297962)

686. By Chuck Short

 * Resynchronize with stable/icehouse (867341f) (LP: #1328134)
   - [867341f] Fix security group race condition while listing and deleting rules
   - [ffcb176] VMware: ensure rescue instance is deleted when instance is deleted
   - [fe4fe70] VMware: Log additional details of suds faults
   - [43f0437] Add info_cache as expected attribute when evacuate instance
   - [a2da9ce] VMware: uncaught exception during snapshot deletion
   - [1a45944] Catch InstanceNotFound exception if migration fails
   - [ee374f1] Do not wait for neutron event if not powering on libvirt domain
   - [705ad64] Reap child processes gracefully if greenlet thread gets killed
   - [f769bf8] Fixes arguments parsing when executing command
   - [bedb66f] Use one query instead of two for quota_usages
   - [422decd] VMWare - Check for compute node before triggering destroy
   - [6629116] Use debug level logging in unit tests, but don't save them.
   - [088b718] support local debug logging
   - [080f785] Revert "Use debug level logging during unit tests"
   - [fb03028] VMWare: add power off vm before detach disk during unrescue
   - [d93427a] Check for None or timestamp in availability zone api sample
   - [f5c3330f] Pass configured auth strategy to neutronclient
   - [74d1043] remove unneeded call to network_api on rebuild_instance
   - [f1fdb3c] Remove unnecessary call to fetch info_cache
   - [395ec82] Remove metadata's network-api dependence on the database
   - [a48d268] InvalidCPUInfo exception added to except block
   - [77392a9] Moved the registration of lifecycle event handler in init_host()
   - [40ae1ee] Fix display of server group members
   - [66c7ca1] Change errors_out_migration decorator to work with RPC
   - [e1e140b] Don't explode if we fail to unplug VIFs after a failed boot
   - [c816488] Remove unneeded call to fetch network info on shutdown
   - [7f9f3ef] Don't overwrite instance object with dict in _init_instance()
   - [2728f1e] Fix bug detach volume fails with "KeyError" in EC2
 * debian/patches/fix-lxc-libvirt-starting.patch: Fix exception when starting
   LXC containers. (LP: #1297962)

685. By Chuck Short

Fix changelog

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