
Created by Corey Bryant and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~corey.bryant/sahara/kilo-3
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Branch information

Corey Bryant

Recent revisions

3. By Corey Bryant

* New upstream release.
  - d/control: Align with upstream dependencies.
  - d/p/disable-migration-tests.patch: Dropped. Tests are passed by upstream.

2. By James Page

  - d/control: Update Vcs fields.
  - d/control,sahara-api.*,sahara-engine.*: Add new binary packages to
    allow engine and API daemons to be run separately, mark as
    conflicting with all-in-one sahara binary.

1. By James Page

* Sync with Debian experimental.
* Align with other Ubuntu OpenStack packages:
  - d/*: Remove use of dbconfig-common and debconf.
  - d/control: Align with Ubuntu dependency versions.
  - d/sahara-common.postinst.in: Only sync db if sqlite is configured,
    secure permissions on /etc/sahara.
* d/watch: Update to use tarballs.openstack.org for releases.
* New upstream beta release:
  - d/control: Align with new upstream version requirements.
  - d/rules: Drop install of alembic migrations, now performed upstream.
  - d/p/disable-migration-tests.patch: Disable migration tests has they
    currently depend on running and configured MySQL and PostgreSQL.
* New upstream release.
* Now requires openstack-pkg-tools (>= 20~).
* Fixed the sahara endpoint url from v1 to v1.1.
* New upstream release.
* New upstream release.
* Review short description.
* New upstream release.
* Added python-mysqldb as dependency.
* Updated (build-)depends for this release.
* Now using templated init script for sysv-rc, generated systemd unit and
  upstart jobs, using openstack-pkg-tools >= 13.
* Removed Use_auth_uri_parameter_from_config.patch applied upstream.
* Added doc-base registration file in sahara-doc.
* Standards-Version is now 3.9.6 (no change).
* Initial release. (Closes: #762659)

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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