
Created by Celso Providelo and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~cprov/txstatsd/debian-setuptools
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Branch information

Celso Providelo

Recent revisions

15. By Celso Providelo

Switching to setuptools.

14. By Sidnei da Silva

- Bump to 1.0.0

13. By Sidnei da Silva

- Remove unused, add source format 1.0

12. By Andreas Hasenack

New build.

11. By Andreas Hasenack

New upstream version.

10. By Andreas Hasenack

* Pass include-links to py_central.
* Use ${python:Provides} in the binary package.

9. By Andreas Hasenack

Switch to python-central, as I can't get python-support to work with
twisted plugins. It does respect the .noinit file, but then the twisted
core package would have to supply it, and not every plugin package.

8. By Andreas Hasenack

Add a .noinit file to the twisted plugin directory so that python-support
doesn't create an __init__.py file there during postinst, which prevents
twisted from seeing the plugins. Thanks to therve for the help.

7. By Andreas Hasenack

New upstream release.

6. By Sidnei da Silva

- Update upstream release number on changelog

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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