
Created by Evan and last modified
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Daisy Pluckers

Recent revisions

137. By Brian Murray

templates/whoopsie-update-daily-users.cron.tmpl: count cosmic consumers

136. By Brian Murray

Utilize modified requeue_old_swift_cores script to just remove cores not requeue them.

135. By Brian Murray

With the change to using gdb in a sandbox we need to update the corresponding pkill command.

134. By Brian Murray

add in support for a stacktrace-source option which is passed on retracer.py and then apport

133. By Brian Murray

stop counting users of Ubuntu 12.04

132. By Brian Murray

Stop requeueing old swift core files so we can process the backlog.

131. By Brian Murray

count the users of bionic

130. By Brian Murray

Enable the arm64 retracers again.

129. By Brian Murray

templates/whoopsie-update-daily-users.cron.tmpl: stop counting yakkety users

128. By Brian Murray

templates/requeue-old-swift-cores.cron.tmpl: double the quantity of cores reviewed and requeued since the retracers are handling the load fine.

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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