
Created by Martin Pitt and last modified
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Daisy Pluckers
Ubuntu Error Tracker deployment

Recent revisions

97. By Brian Murray

* When calling apport use named arguments.
* When creating the apport report use _add_hooks_info which doesn't require
  a UI.

96. By Brian Murray

Change making special crash files for Bionic to Focal.

95. By Brian Murray

generate-sigsegv-crash.py: Use our own copy of apport which won't try and
create the lock file as that failes.

94. By Brian Murray

Update the build-dependency to python3-apport.

93. By Brian Murray

Generate a crash file with single quotes to test writing to Cassandra.

92. By Brian Murray

generate a crash file with single quotes to test writing to cassandra

91. By Brian Murray

generate-crashes: SystemImageInfo is no longer relevant plus this only worked for vivid crashes

90. By Brian Murray

generate-crashes: fix unclosed sed for unicode replacement

89. By Brian Murray

generate-crashes: only create an amd64 crash with a fake executable as we don't need one per arch

88. By Brian Murray

generate-crashes: only create an amd64 kylin crash, we don't need one for earch arch, and put some unicode in it

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