
Created by Evan and last modified
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Daisy Pluckers
Ubuntu Error Tracker deployment

Recent revisions

76. By Brian Murray

Switch to using python3-distro-info to figure out supported releases

75. By Brian Murray

test/fetch-test-crashes: get eoan crashes, accept an arch as an argument

74. By Brian Murray

remove unnecessary comment

73. By Brian Murray

update releases for which we should download crashes, support downloading only one release's crashes

72. By Brian Murray

Add in a script to copy crash files to a virtual machine and send crash files from it to daisy.

71. By Brian Murray

fetch test crashes for zesty but not wily

70. By Brian Murray

test/submit-crash: strip the SAS so daisy asks for a CORE file

69. By Brian Murray

fetch-test-crashes: add in xenial, yakkety. Set dest in the arch loop so the wrong Architecture crashes don't appear in the wrong directory.

68. By Brian Murray

Remove existing crash files before fetching new ones, this way we don't submit ones we no longer generate.

67. By Brian Murray

test/fetch-test-crashes: also fetch crashes for wily

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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