
Created by Evan and last modified
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Daisy Pluckers

Recent revisions

131. By Brian Murray

change the consistency level for pycassa from ONE to LOCAL_ONE

130. By Brian Murray

encode and cql-ify another item before INSERTing it

129. By Brian Murray

oopsrepository/oopses.py: support setting a TTL of 30 days for columns

128. By Brian Murray

replace any single quotes in apport report keys

127. By Brian Murray

use a try / except block to handle the missing or bad column1

126. By Brian Murray

oopsrepository/oopses.py: if there is no key move to the item in the dictionary

125. By Brian Murray

oopsrepository/oopses.py: need to use the properly escaped release string in update_errors_by_release

124. By Brian Murray

oopsrepository/oopses.py: protect against session being a dict / oops_config object

123. By Brian Murray

oopsrepository/oopses.py: if a cassandra session is passed use that to connect, otherwise create a session

122. By Brian Murray

oopsrepository/oopses.py: a prepared statement does the hexlification so drop that

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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