
Created by Dan Scott and last modified
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Dan Scott

Recent revisions

4863. By Dan Scott <email address hidden>

Merge from trunk

4862. By Dan Scott <email address hidden>

Add i18n for authority work in the MARC editor

During the course of developing the enhanced authority support in the
MARC editor, a number of hardcoded strings worked their way into the
JavaScript. We are now correcting that problem.

4861. By Dan Scott <email address hidden>

Teach the "Create and Edit..." option how to function

The new open-ils.cat service, open-ils.cat.authority.record.create_from_bib.readonly,
performs the same basic duty as open-ils.cat.authority.record.create_from_bib
but simply returns the MARCXML that was generated for the authority record
rather than actually pushing it into the database.

We now invoke the .readonly variant when the "Create and Edit..." option
is clicked, and pass the MARCXML into a new MARC editor window to be tweaked
by a cataloguer before they hit the Save button. If they don't hit "Save",
then the authority record never gets into the database.

Side note: permacrud permissions defined in the IDL for creating an are object
are CREATE_MARC / IMPORT_MARC, but the permission checked in open-ils.cat
is CREATE_AUTHORITY. Might be important if you want to provide tigher controls
over creating authorities than bib records.

4860. By Dan Scott <email address hidden>

Add a prefix to the ARN value to be even more unique

Per a suggestion from gmcharlt

4859. By Dan Scott <email address hidden>

Get previous / next page in MARC editor authority browser working

It feels dirty to add another global to track this, but it works for now.

4858. By Dan Scott <email address hidden>

Merge from trunk

4857. By Dan Scott <email address hidden>

Implement "Create record immediately" in the MARC editor

The user can now choose the "Create record immediately" option to add the
currently focused bibliographic field to the authorities.

TODO: Better feedback mechanism: once field has been added as a control,
  remove red font; clear cached results; add $0 subfield to link the
  field in the bib record

4856. By Dan Scott <email address hidden>

Add an open-ils.cat method that, given a representation of a bib field, creates an authority record to control that field

4855. By Dan Scott <email address hidden>

Added create menus, preparing to invoke backend function

4854. By Dan Scott <email address hidden>

Whoops. Guess we want spaces not tabs now.

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