
Created by Didier Roche-Tolomelli and last modified
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Didier Roche-Tolomelli
Cairo-Dock Plug-ins

Recent revisions

18. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

debian/control: depends on latest libindicator-dev (LP: #637692)

17. By Matthieu Baerts

 - Fixed a crash in rainbow view if the subdock is empty
* debian/control
 - Updated the version of cairo-dock-dev and cairo-dock-core

16. By Matthieu Baerts

Status-Notifier: Fixed a typo

15. By Matthieu Baerts

* New Upstream Version (LP: #638529)
* Fixed a few bugs on LP:
 - Fixed a crash in rainbow view when the cone is completely opened
 - Installed in lib directory by default even in 64bits arch
 - Status-Notifier: fixed few bugs
 - Clock applet:
   - Notify of missed tasks (moved some functions to a new file)
   - Fixed a little memory leak
 - Removed some 'g_print' (LP: #500677: xsession-errors log)
* Updated translations

14. By Matthieu Baerts

* New Upstream Version (LP: #632054)
* Fixed a few bugs on LP:
 - LP: #616176 Dust Bin Hang and Incorrect Configuration
 - LP: #604034 Change terminal tab's name lost the color
 - LP: #582452 GMenu does not contain any applications
* Fixed a few bugs on glx-dock forum:
 - Fixed support of GMusicBrowser.
 - AlsaMixer has no emblem.
 - Status-Notifier doesn't be drawed into the dock.
* Updated translations
* debian/control:
 - Added cairo-dock-core as build-depends in order to prevent
   some builds errors.

13. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

fix versionning

12. By Fabounet

applied Matttbe's patch on changelog and control files

11. By Matthieu Baerts

* New Upstream Version (LP: #614625)
* debian/rules:
 - Autotools has been replaced by CMake
 - cdbs is now used.
* debian/copyright:
 - Updated with the new applets
* debian/control:
 - Autotools has been replaced by CMake
 - Added libcurl4-gnutls-dev, libindicator-dev, libdbusmenu-glib-dev
   libido-0.1-dev, libical-dev, libdbusmenu-gtk-dev as Build-deps
 - Bump Standard-Version to 3.9.1
 - Wget is required for dnd2share applet
* debian/cairo-dock-plug-ins*.install:
 - All sonames are now installed into lib32 or lib64 (lib*)
* Fixed a few bugs on LP:
 - LP: #483963, LP: #485159, LP: #500677, LP: #500979
 - LP: #521531, LP: #519915, LP: #526138, LP: #531317
 - LP: #531319, LP: #537115, LP: #537943, LP: #538637
 - More details on the 'ChangeLog' file

10. By Iain Lane

debian/control: Update versioned BD on cairo-dock-dev to be restricted to
applicable upstream versions.

9. By Iain Lane

debian/watch: Update to match against current version

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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