
Created by Dubstar_04 and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~dubstar-04/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/MainViewMouseFocus
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Branch information

Ubuntu UI Toolkit

Recent revisions

2033. By Dubstar_04

Only make the MouseArea visible when its needed.

2032. By Dubstar_04

Stop the PerformanceOverlay Stealing the mouse focus.

2031. By Cris Dywan

Add a snippet about tests to the toplevel README.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot.

2030. By Cris Dywan

More robust list and namespace handling in apicheck. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1595461.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Tim Peeters.

2029. By Zoltan Balogh

Break unity8 before 8.13.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Zsombor Egri.

2028. By Zsombor Egri

Remove fw-headers from UbuntuGestures and UbuntuToolkit. We are no longer supporting them as public C++ API.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Zoltan Balogh.

2027. By Florian Boucault

Scrollbar: load stepper icon asynchronously.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Andrea Bernabei.

2026. By William Hua

Make qml-module-ubuntu-components-gles depend on qml-module-ubuntu-performancemetrics-gles.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Christian Dywan.

2025. By Florian Boucault

Icon: only load when completed and therefore avoids multiple reloads caused by size changes.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Christian Dywan.

2024. By Loïc Molinari

Expansion of LD_LIBRARY_PATH is broken since it doesn't include a ":", which means PerformanceMetrics path, which is at the end, is actually not available, nor the current content of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

That fixes it using the proper shell expansion syntax.

Approved by ubuntu-sdk-build-bot, Andrea Bernabei.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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