Merge lp://qastaging/~epics-core/epics-base/tzwin32 into lp://qastaging/~epics-core/epics-base/3.14

Proposed by mdavidsaver
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 12607
Proposed branch: lp://qastaging/~epics-core/epics-base/tzwin32
Merge into: lp://qastaging/~epics-core/epics-base/3.14
Diff against target: 305 lines (+137/-133)
3 files modified
src/libCom/osi/os/WIN32/osdTime.cpp (+16/-133)
src/libCom/test/Makefile (+4/-0)
src/libCom/test/epicsTimeZoneTest.c (+117/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://qastaging/~epics-core/epics-base/tzwin32
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Andrew Johnson Approve
mdavidsaver Needs Information
Review via email:

Description of the change

osdTime: win32 use C89 localtime/gmtime

as recommended by Freddie Akeroyd

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Revision history for this message
mdavidsaver (mdavidsaver) wrote :

These changes are reported to fix the issue. I've verified with cross-mingw/wine, which also needs to link against -lwinpthread. This change almost falls below the threshold were I wouldn't bother with a merge proposal, but as I don't do much work with win32 I'd like to get it checked/tested by someone who does.

review: Needs Information
Revision history for this message
mdavidsaver (mdavidsaver) wrote :

oops, the dependency on winpthread is do to clock_gettime and isn't introduced by this change...

Revision history for this message
Andrew Johnson (anj) wrote :

New tests pass for me on cygwin-x86, windows-x64 (VS2010), windows-x64-mingw (Strawberry Perl 5.16.1) and win32-x86 (VS2010).

I will merge this into the 3.14 branch shortly.

review: Approve

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