Merge ~ethan.hsieh/+git/u-boot:devel into ~ethan.hsieh/+git/u-boot:ubuntu/bionic-proposed

Proposed by ethan.hsieh
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: ~ethan.hsieh/+git/u-boot:devel
Merge into: ~ethan.hsieh/+git/u-boot:ubuntu/bionic-proposed
Diff against target: 42 lines (+7/-3)
2 files modified
configs/nitrogen6q2g_defconfig (+0/-2)
include/configs/nitrogen6x.h (+7/-1)
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Łukasz Zemczak (community) Approve
Dave Jones Pending
Shrirang Bagul Pending
ethan.hsieh Pending
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Revision history for this message
ethan.hsieh (ethan.hsieh) wrote :

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Could you help to review this patch?

Revision history for this message
ethan.hsieh (ethan.hsieh) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Łukasz Zemczak (sil2100) wrote :

If I understand this correctly: since our u-boot isn't up-to-date, we're missing the 2 commits that migrate CONFIG_SYS_REDUNDAND_ENVIRONMENT (and others) to Kconfig, so those config changes were ignored on the defconfig.

This seems like a decent workaround for this, certainly feels safer than cherry-picking two rather big commits. Looks good to me.

review: Approve

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