
Created by James Page and last modified
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Recent revisions

4. By James Page

Appjet branch of yuicompressor library.

3. By Damien Raude-Morvan

* Add Depends on a Java runtime (Closes: #565645)
* Depends on libjargs-java instead of embedding it inside yui-compressor
  (see use-system-libraries.patch)
* Update Vcs-* fields to reflect package name change
  (yuicompressor -> yui-compressor)
* Create extended manpage from help output
  - remove docbook debian/yui-compressor.1.xml
  - remove Build-Depends on docbook2x
* Use java-wrappers for bin/yui-compressor launcher script

2. By Michael Gilbert

[ Dominik Smatana ]
* Initial release (closes: #519938)

[ Michael Gilbert ]
* Download the required rhino source files in the orig tarball
  fetching script.
* Add patches for build file to use system rhino and jargs libraries.
* Apply yui-compressor patches to the included rhino source.
* Add a README.source to describe the patch system.
* Add a launcher shell script.
* Add a manpage for the shell script.

1. By Michael Gilbert

Import upstream version 2.4.2

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
