
Created by James Page and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~etherpad/etherpad/ubuntu-lucid-backport
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Recent revisions

10. By James Page

* Backport for Lucid:
  - debian/patches/disable-ooffice.patch: Disable OpenOffice integration -
    not compatible with Lucid and does not work anyway.
  - Moved mysql-* dependencies to Recommends to ease installation
    against remote database setups.

9. By James Page

Updated release to natty

8. By James Page

debian/patches/fix-link-in-email.patch: The email invitation should now
have the pad URL, patch cherry picked from upstream commit.

7. By Dave Walker

* debian/patches/full-screen-typo.patch: Fixing the css so pad opens full
  screen, patch cherry picked from upstream commit.

6. By James Page

Merged all pending changes

5. By James Page

yuicompressor-2.4-appjet.jar now built; however still uses bundled
rhino-yuicompressor.jar in build and runtime..

4. By James Page

Patch application

3. By James Page

* Initial work to moved to packaged yuicompressor-appjet.jar
  - Currently not working so reverted to bundled version

2. By James Page

* Removed debian/preinst: not required
* Re-jigged dependencies to support removal of preinst.

1. By James Page

* Refactoring to use native Ubuntu Java libraries.
* debian/control:
  - use openjdk instead of sun's java
  - update maintainer
* debian/etherpad.init.orig, debian/etherpad.upstart:
  - move the init script out of the way
  - create a basic upstart script
  - note that the open office document conversion daemon was dropped
    from the upstart configuration; if this behavior is desired, please
    create a separate upstart job for it
* debian/rules:
  - just use basic dh_installinit, as it will pick up the new upstart job
* New release
* Changed maintainer to Packaging
* Fixed installation scripts
* Initial Release.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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