Code review comment for lp://qastaging/~fboucault/camera-app/orientation_lock_fix

Revision history for this message
Florian Boucault (fboucault) wrote :

Manual test now added to test plan.

> Will write a manual test because automated testing is not really possible
> as of yet for lack of ability to set the device's orientation
> programatically. Work is in progress to fill that gap:
> ge/247334
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 3:29 PM, Bill Filler <email address hidden>
> wrote:
> > will need some sort of test for this to land
> > --
> >
> >
> app/orientation_lock_fix/+merge/252428
> > You are the owner of lp:~fboucault/camera-app/orientation_lock_fix.
> >

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