
Created by Francis Ginther and last modified
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Branch information

Francis Ginther

Recent revisions

188. By Francis Ginther

* Remove patches that have been integrated into upstream
  - remove lp813819-typedef-geis-subscription-flags.patch
  - remove lp985986-fix-touch-delta-calculation.patch
  - remove lp986215-calculate-pinch-delta-as-ratio.patch
  - remove lp987539-add-device-axis-attributes.patch
  - remove lp997630-avoid-starting-dbus-session-on-remote-connection.patch
  - remove fix-touch-coordinate-space.patch (patch for lp984069)

187. By Francis Ginther

* Update debian/watch file for project rename
* New upstream microrelease, bug fixes only
  - fixes pinch radius and drag delta calculations (lp: #985916)
    (lp: #986215)
  - changes type of geisSubscriptionFlags (lp: #813819)
  - changes direct devices to use window coordinates (lp: #984069)
  - reports device axis extents, if available (lp: #987539)
  - removes overlapping events when a gesture is accepted (lp: #1001365)
  - avoids trying to start a DBus session if there is none already
    (lp: #997630)
  - removes XCB back end
  - adds a compile-time sentinel check to variadic calls in the API
  - add API for getting and setting grail tuning properties
  - fix geis_subscription_add_filter documentation
  - fix geis_filter_add_term documentation
  - detect added devices properly (LP: #1009270)
  - fix crash when accepting a gesture (LP: #1015775)
  - improve ConstructionFinishedProperty test
  - fix result value of geis_subscription_deactivate() (LP: #1021448)
  - upstream project rename to just 'geis'

186. By Francis Ginther

Update debian/watch file for project rename

185. By Stephen M. Webb

releasing version 2.2.9-0ubuntu4

184. By Stephen M. Webb

fixed unreasonable startup delay on remote sessions (lp: #997630)

183. By Stephen M. Webb

releasing version 2.2.9-0ubuntu3

182. By Stephen M. Webb

added device axis attributes (regression) (lp: #987539)

181. By Stephen M. Webb

fixed a C++ compile fail due to enum types (lp: #813819)

180. By Stephen M. Webb

calculated pinch radius delta as ratio (lp: #986215)

179. By Stephen M. Webb

fixed calculation of touch deltas (lp: #985916)

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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