- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~fginther/+junk/geis-precise-debug
Related bugs
Bug #813819: GeisSubscriptionFlags declared as enum when it is really a bitmask | Low | Fix Released |
Bug #984069: Individual touches from direct devices should be in window coordinates | Medium | Fix Released |
Bug #985916: Position deltas are incorrect when synchronous events are not enabled | Medium | Fix Released |
Bug #986215: Radius delta values should be a ratio instead of a difference | Medium | Fix Released |
Bug #987539: Grail backend does not populate device X and Y axis attributes | Medium | Fix Released |
Bug #997630: evince and eog broken on remote sessions (X, NX, x2go and VNC) | Undecided | Invalid |
Bug #1001365: Geis delivers events from gestures that no longer exist | Low | Fix Released |
Bug #1009270: Unity fails to use multitouch gestures if magic touchpad is connected after Unity has launched | Medium | Fix Released |
Bug #1015775: geis crashes when accepting gesture | High | Fix Released |
Bug #1021448: geis_subscription_deactivate() always fails | Medium | Fix Released |
Related blueprints
Branch information
- Owner:
- Francis Ginther
- Status:
- Development
Recent revisions
- 188. By Francis Ginther
* Remove patches that have been integrated into upstream
- remove lp813819-typedef- geis-subscripti on-flags. patch
- remove lp985986-fix-touch- delta-calculati on.patch
- remove lp986215-calculate- pinch-delta- as-ratio. patch
- remove lp987539-add-device- axis-attributes .patch
- remove lp997630-avoid-starting- dbus-session- on-remote- connection. patch
- remove fix-touch-coordinate- space.patch (patch for lp984069) - 187. By Francis Ginther
* Update debian/watch file for project rename
* New upstream microrelease, bug fixes only
- fixes pinch radius and drag delta calculations (lp: #985916)
(lp: #986215)
- changes type of geisSubscriptionFlags (lp: #813819)
- changes direct devices to use window coordinates (lp: #984069)
- reports device axis extents, if available (lp: #987539)
- removes overlapping events when a gesture is accepted (lp: #1001365)
- avoids trying to start a DBus session if there is none already
(lp: #997630)
- removes XCB back end
- adds a compile-time sentinel check to variadic calls in the API
- add API for getting and setting grail tuning properties
- fix geis_subscription_add_ filter documentation
- fix geis_filter_add_term documentation
- detect added devices properly (LP: #1009270)
- fix crash when accepting a gesture (LP: #1015775)
- improve ConstructionFinishedProperty test
- fix result value of geis_subscription_deactivate( ) (LP: #1021448)
- upstream project rename to just 'geis'
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)