
Created by Andy Finch and last modified
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Andy Finch
OpenShot Video Editor

Recent revisions

142. By Andy Finch

Changed the path of the helpfile to a relative file location. We have to use this until we can get yelp to index the file properly. Also, although there is some error handling in place, yelp throws up it's own error when the file can't be found, but I've left it in for when other errors are hit. One other thing, I couldn't work out how to show the F1 accelerator key in the menu item - I had to manually edit the glade file as my glade installation kept corrupting the file, so if anyone can get that in via Glade, it will add the final bit of polish. Pressing F1 does work though.

141. By Andy Finch

Added extra menu items under the Help menu item: 1)A Contents menu item for the yelp package Helen is putting together. 2) Links to the Openshot Launchpad Bug & Answer pages.

Haven't tested the Contents menu item yet, but with no document package installed yelp opens with an error, so at least I'm opening the right app :-)

140. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

Bumped version to 0.9.26

Added the AUTHORS file that Helen created.

Added a README in the Language folder to help people
use different language MO files.

Removed some unneeded files and folders

Updated the .desktop file with TJ's patch

139. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

MLT needs to have the Factory re-inited each time we load a
producer, otherwise it seems less stable... and more likely
to seg fault.

bumping version to 0.9.25

138. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

Bump to version 0.9.24

Fixed the bug where OpenShot crashes when a non-media file is imported.
Dan helped me fix this one. We needed to call mlt.Factory.init() each
time we thumbnail a file. Then we can use the is_valid() method. So,
now OpenShot just ignores invalid files, and it won't crash & seg fault!

Added in a new "lock" class, that ensures that only 1 instance
of OpenShot can be run at a time. This has the following features:

 1) Running OpenShot with no command line args (i.e. $ openshot),
    everything works like normal (the 1st instance of OpenShot to be run
    will become the "primary instance".
 2) If you right click on files in Nautilus and open with "openshot",
    it will pass each file to the primary instance of OpenShot... and
    the files will appear in the project tree. This will not create
    multiple instances of OpenShot

NOTE: You can run multiple version of OpenShot if you don't pass args to
    the command.

3) If you pass args to $ openshot "file path 1", "file path 2", "etc", it
   will add each file to the primary instance of OpenShot

4) If you just run "$ openshot" over and over again, it will continue to
   create new instances of OpenShot, so you could work on multiple projects
   at the same time. It's only when args are passed along with the
   "openshot" command that this lock stuff is used.

As part of this new "1 instance" code, there is a new /queue/ folder. A
"queue_watcher" thread polls the files in this folder, and when it finds any
file (text files), it cracks them open, reads the path of a file to import,
imports the file, and then deletes the text file. The name of the text
file does not matter.

For example, if you manually create the following files in the /queue/ folder:

abc123.txt (and it contains: /home/jonathan/my_video_1.avi)
def456.txt (and it contains: /home/jonathan/my_video_2.avi)

The queue_watcher thread should almost instantly delete these 2 text files,
and then import the 2 files into the primary instance of OpenShot.
This creates an interesting interface for people to work with, if
they want to script with OpenShot.

137. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

Added some new instructions to the README file. Also, modified
the timeout on the thumbnail.py file, so OpenShot won't hang when
being closed.

Improved the bash script "openshot" to pass along command line

Added the ability to pass an .osp file or a list of media files
as parameters, and OpenShot will automatically add the files to
the project... or open the .osp project file.

Added a new title, 2 line black svg.

Bumped version to 0.9.23

136. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

added missing black.png image

135. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

Applied a new patch from Andy for the Recent project list,
and replaced the black background clip with a PNG image,
instead of an SVG. I'm hoping this helps the performance a

134. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

Fixed bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/400769, which
was related to more locale-aware number to string

133. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

bumping version to 0.9.20

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