
Created by Martin Wimpress  and last modified
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Martin Wimpress 
Ubuntu theme

Recent revisions

559. By Martin Wimpress 

Add atyling for all combobox cases, even when linked.

558. By Martin Wimpress 

Add styling for all orientations of linked widgets.

557. By Martin Wimpress 

Add styling for the calendar widget.

556. By Martin Wimpress 

Add styling for messagedialog to not use lnked buttons.

555. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

releasing package ubuntu-themes version 16.10+17.10.20170817-0ubuntu1

554. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

Rename most battery icons prepending unity-*. As the battery
icons in ubuntu-mono aren't square, we want to special case them
(LP: #1711085).

553. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 16.10+17.10.20170703-0ubuntu1

552. By Daniel van Vugt

Fixed the ubuntu-mono-dark battery icons to avoid distortion in
Gnome Shell (LP: #1693155), and also to generally stop lying about the
sizes we advertise :)

The problem was our battery icons had always been odd dimensions
and we had just built Unity7 to deal with it. Now we're using Gnome
Shell, the battery icons finally need to be conventional squares...

             Before After
 16/battery* 32x16 16x16
 22/battery* 26x22 22x22
 24/battery* 32x24 24x24

At very low DPI (e.g. a 1366x768 laptop and scale 1.0), Gnome Shell will
choose the icons that are height 16 and unconditionally scale them into a
square (hence bug 1693155). But at higher scales it tends to choose the
height 24 icons.

ALL the battery icons have retained their original visible height. And the
24x24 icons have retained their original shape completely. Only the 16 and
22's have become shorter to fit into a square. So this means at low DPI
(e.g. 1366x768) Gnome Shell will show a stubbier (16x16) battery similar
to Adwaita. However higher DPI machines at scales >= 2 will get the
full-length battery icons same as in Unity7.

The icons also retain their original appearance in Unity7 and greeter panels. (LP: #1693155)

Approved by: Matthew Paul Thomas

551. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 16.10+17.10.20170619-0ubuntu1

550. By Daniel van Vugt

Vertically centre widgets in the header bar (LP: #1693613)

Approved by: Jeremy Bicha, Marco Trevisan (Treviño)

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