
Created by Shih-Yuan Lee and last modified
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Branch information

Shih-Yuan Lee
Unity Settings Daemon

Recent revisions

4049. By Shih-Yuan Lee

power: On raw backlight types, clamp the value to a minumum

Backlight class brightness 0 is to disable the backlight since kernel 3.18.
This behavior is by design for the backlight control in i915 kernel module.

However gnome-settings-daemon has included some changeset to fix this issue.

unity-settings-daemon should include the same changeset to fix this issue. (LP: #1381625)

4048. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 14.04.0+14.04.20151012-0ubuntu1

4047. By Sebastien Bacher

show correct microphone mute icon Fixes: #1381856

4046. By CI Train Bot Account

Resync trunk.

4045. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 14.04.0+14.04.20150825-0ubuntu1

4044. By Alberto Milone

Make touchscreen mapping non-blocking, and kill it if it takes more than 3 seconds; finally, in case of failure, try again after a few seconds. This helps on resume from S3 (LP: #1471708). Fixes: #1471708
Approved by: Iain Lane

4043. By Iain Lane

Sync archive uploads

4042. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 14.04.0+14.04.20140606-0ubuntu1

4041. By PS Jenkins bot

* gsd-xrandr-manager.c:
  - Add support for mapping the main touchscreen onto the laptop
    display (LP: #1287341).
    This makes sure that the input device knows exactly the area
    that represents the display when the screen configuration
    changes. Note: this doesn't cover the tablet use case.
  - Add support for matching displays with touch input devices
    according to the reported size. This is particularly
    useful on systems that don't use embedded display connectors
    i.e. all-in-one systems such as the Dell Optiplex 9030 AIO.
  - This work is a partial backport of the upstream work on
    touchscreens. When we finally sync with the upstream code
    we can drop this.

4040. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 14.04.0+14.04.20140414-0ubuntu1

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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