
Created by Adam Gandelman and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~gandelman-a/charms/precise/nova-compute/nrpe_interface
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Branch merges

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Branch information

Adam Gandelman

Recent revisions

46. By Adam Gandelman

metadata.yaml: Move nrpe-external-master interface from provides to requires.

45. By Adam Gandelman

Merge support for quantum security groups.

44. By James Page

* Updates for grizzly support.

* Adds ssh-based live migration among compute nodes, brokered by the nova-cloud-controller service.

* Various bug fixes and cleanup

43. By Marco Ceppi

Added icon.svg

42. By Adam Gandelman

mon_host workaround, optional multi_host, nrep-external-master sub.

Merged lp:~aglenyoung/charms/precise/nova-compute/optional-multi_host.

41. By Adam Gandelman

nova-compute-common: Fix switch statement issue that blocks FlatDHCPManager configuration.

40. By Adam Gandelman

Merge Quantum networking support from James Page.

39. By Juan L. Negron

* Some fixes for handling of repo URLs via 'openstack-origin' config. Courtesy of James Page.

* Allows configuration of compute's volume driver based on relation data provided by nova-cloud-controller, via the cloud-compute relation. This allows nova-c-c to inform compute whether it should be using the default nova-volume driver, or Cinder.

I seem to have lost write access to these branches to merge myself. MP:136822

38. By Adam Gandelman

Add ceph integration, upgrade support, common code.

37. By Adam Gandelman

Add copyright.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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