
Created by Adam Gandelman and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~gandelman-a/ironic/icehouse_rc2
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Branch information

Adam Gandelman

Recent revisions

18. By Adam Gandelman

d/control: Fix lintian warnings: bump debhelper version requirement
and standards version.

17. By Adam Gandelman

d/control: Bump standards to 3.9.5.

16. By Adam Gandelman

d/p/cleanup_conductors_in_tests.patch: Cherry-pick upstream patch that
fixes possible memory exhaustion and deadlock during test suite runs.

15. By Adam Gandelman

New upstream release.

14. By Adam Gandelman

releasing package ironic version 2014.1~rc1-0ubuntu1

13. By James Page

* Fail build if test suite fails, limit testing concurrency to 1.
* d/control: Add Vcs-* fields for ubuntu-server-dev branches.

12. By Chuck Short

* debian/ironic-common.postinst: Fix syntax preventing postinst
  from running.
* debian/ironic-api.install: Create missing .install, install
  ironic-api to /usr/bin/ironic-api.
* debian/patches/set_logdir.patch: Set log_dir to /var/log/ironic/ in
  sample config, causing both daemons to log to respective files there.
* debian/{rules, ironic-common.install}: Install ironic.conf.sample
  as /etc/ironic/ironic.conf.
* Fail build if test suite fails.
* debian/control: Add missing alembic, python-lockfile dependencies.

11. By Chuck Short

releasing package ironic version 2014.1~b3-0ubuntu1

10. By Chuck Short

releasing package ironic version 2014.1~b3-0ubuntu1

9. By Chuck Short

releasing package ironic version 2014.1~b3-0ubuntu3

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
