- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~gnuoy/mojo/vault-charm-output-parse-fix
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 109. By Liam Young <email address hidden>
Disable 1st nagios check until fix for version check lands
- 108. By Liam Young <email address hidden>
Accommodate changes to vault output
The output from vault status is no longer delimited by ':' but
the output from vault init still is. To work with this use the
fact that the value being looked for is the last entry on the line - 107. By Tom Haddon
[mthaddon,trivial] charm-testing/
elasticsearch: we also need to ignore swap on bionic - 106. By Tom Haddon
telegraf: Use correct syntax for exposing telegraf Reviewed-on: https:/
/code.launchpad .net/~mthaddon/ mojo/telegraf- expose/ +merge/ 344483
Reviewed-by: David Lawson <email address hidden> - 104. By Junien F
squid-reverseproxy : add test
Reviewed-on: https:/
/code.launchpad .net/~axino/ mojo/mojo- specs/+ merge/343702
Reviewed-by: Tom Haddon <email address hidden> - 103. By Junien F
filebeat : handle charmstore namespace change | also add squid-reverseproxy
Reviewed-on: https:/
/code.launchpad .net/~axino/ mojo/mojo- specs/+ merge/343672
Reviewed-by: Thomas Cuthbert <email address hidden> - 102. By Tom Haddon
grafana: Create separate nrpe application for apache and bump load thresholds Reviewed-on: https:/
/code.launchpad .net/~mthaddon/ mojo/grafana- nagios- checks/ +merge/ 342677
Reviewed-by: Jamon Camisso <email address hidden> - 101. By Junien F
filebeat : fix for bionic Reviewed-on: https:/
/code.launchpad .net/~axino/ mojo/mojo- specs/+ merge/342456
Reviewed-by: Paul Gear <email address hidden> - 100. By Tom Haddon
Disable swap checks for telegraf charm-testing on xenial and bionic
Reviewed-on: https:/
/code.launchpad .net/~mthaddon/ mojo/telegraf- swap-checks/ +merge/ 342181
Reviewed-by: Gareth Woolridge <email address hidden>
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/mojo